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Has the lost continent of Atlantis


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(the info below was copied from another website)

Lost Continent of Atlantis is South America

ONE OF the main reasons people have not recognised South America as Atlantis is that someone changed the name. That someone was the German cartographer Waldseemuller who in the early 16th century shortly after the continent was rediscovered awarded it the name of "America" in honour of Amerigo Vespucci who sailed along its coastline as far south as the River Plate estuary.

But another proposed name for the "new continent" was Atlantis, put forward by the Spanish historian Francisco Lopez de Gomara in 1533. He recognised that the great continent could have been in fact the "lost" continent described by Plato and this theme was built upon by Sir Francis Bacon in his work New Atlantis published posthumously in 1627 which states not only that America was Atlantis but that Plato somewhere got one detail wrong

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It appears that South America may have been the old Atlantis and we are the new Atlantis :)

Geographically its impossible for continents to sink below the ocean. So if Atlantis were real, it should still exist today. Interesting enough, all of the lengendary cities and land that were believed to be myth like the city of Troy have actually been found. Atlantis is no different. We just dont realize that Atlantis is really one of the existing continents. Our imagination wants to believe that its some continent that sank below the ocean floor. I'll bet is scientist dig deep enough under the grounds of South America, that might find some interesting things. Supposedly, the Egytians learned their knowlege from the Atlantians. Ironically cocaine has been found in some of the egyptian mummies and cocain is only found in South America.

There are also rumors that the Egyptian government is covering up something of profound proportions at the Giza complex. Supposedly there is a vast ancient city far under the Great pyramids of Egypt that include mega cavities with underground rivers and a lake. It has been said there are huge palaces and statues and a forgotton knowlege that reveals how the pyramids were really built. The rumors suggest that this knowlege is superior to our own. The rumors also say that the great pyramids are just mere surface markers of something greater below. The underground evidence tells the story of the Atlanteans and the true orgin of man, According to those who claim to have seen this massive underground city. There is suppose to be some kind of evidence down there which prove that all civilization are rooted to one source and there is something about a language of light. There are even more unbelievable rumors that the ancient egyptians were experiementing with DNA based on evidence below the Giza Complex. According to plato's account, Atlantis was destroyed around 10,500 B.C. If you look at the Giza pyramid complex, the pyramids are aranged to mimic the layout of the constelation of Orion at 10,500 B.C. This is also the time frame it is believed that the great flood happened. Plato was told the story of Atlantis by greek ruler Soron. Soron was told by an Egyptian priest.

The underground city in Egypt may seem unbelieveable by some but keep in mind there are hyroglyphics that show what appear to be things such as a light bulb and even what looks like modern day aircraft.

The Egyptian light bulb (keep in mind, there were pots found all over the Giza complex that act as batteries when acids are added to them. exact replicas of the pots and the lightbulb were created and it lit up!




These are pretty interesting. These are not a hoax. These were actually found in a 3,000 year old temple






For those who are religous, there is supposedly evidence that the Great Pyramid was built by Enoch. Enoch was the man in the bible that God took and was shown the secrets of the universe. It is belived by some that the past present and future is encoded in the Great Pyramid. There may also be evidence of that. If you measure in hebrew inches from the pyramid entrance to the king's chamber there are some interesting observations. If you translated these inches by years you'll noticed that everytime the passage way turns a corner or when you enter into new chamber, that inch stops on a year of world signifgance like Moses recieving the ten commandments, the birth and death of Christ and even the start of World War 1 and World War 2. BTW, the location of WW 1 & 2 was in the grand gallery right before the King's chamber or the end of the line!! There is also something interesting about the year 2012 A.D. because thats when the Mayan calender ends. That year is also found in the great pyramid as a signifigant year.

I remember seeing all of this on documentaries on TV. I know alot of it sounds way out there. Even if you don't believe in it, it makes a great story.

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This is interesting indeed. I do think during the time before the flood, man was more advanced than we think. There is also an interesting story here in the United States. There is a place in southern Florida called Coral Castle and it was created by one frail man in the early 20th century. The stones used to create the place place weighed tons and he didnt have any kinds cranes. He alsways worked in secret and at night and he said he had discovered the secret in how the Egyptians built the pyramids. like the pyramids and other mysteries like stonehenge. Coral Castle was connected with the stars in some way. No one knows how he managed to carve and lift those stones and know one knows how he was able to do it alone.





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I guys!

Fascinating discussion. I too believe that man was much, much more intelligent before the flood. There are documents that suggest that they were experimenting with DNA prior to the flood. There is also a book, who's name I cannot recall at this minute (Age of gods, or something to that effect, I'll find out and post it later today), that uses official documents that shows evidence of space flight during the pre-flood. It also talks about a well-known poem (can't remember the name either, but I know a guy who has all these facts, and I will post them later tonight) written in the 1500sBC where the writer describes his city, and as the poem goes on he describes it from street level then from what could be considered hill level, then mountain level, and finally he describes it from outer space, and they said that the accuracy is unbelievable. Also, they have supposedly found evidence of nuclear weapons in South America, around where the Incans were. Some of the burns on rocks and other items were so high that the only thing capable of it would have been nuclear. Supposedly they also found evidence of Cold Fusion.

As a Christian who believes in the litteral account of the creation of man, this only stregnthens my belief. God created man PERFECT and in His Image. Man was infinetly more inteligent, without any deterioration to his mental abilities. It only stands to reason, that he was eons ahead of us. I believe that was why the flood was necessary, and why man went from living 900 years to living 100. Think of it... infinetly intelligent people who have 900 years to develop their theories and genius all living simultaneously. Of course, with sin, our capacity has waned and diminished as we have deteriorated, but even now we are capable of amazing things. I can only imagine what those pre-flood people were able to come up with.

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this stuff is really interesting and fun to think about. i saw a documentary about the coral castle and the man who created it. that is definitely a mysterious story. i love thinking about this stuff and what could still be out there that we haven't discovered yet.

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Hi guys! I think there is a part of everyone that wants to believe that there are still unknown and wonderful things. If ancient civilizations were experimenting with DNA It could explain why many egyptian statues and paintings have human bodies with the head of other animals. It caouls also explain why the egyptians wanted to preserve and mummify there kings so their DNA could survive. I'm just thinking out loud but there are alot of interesting possibilities. When the flood wiped out all life on earth, all knowledge before the flood was forgoten. Its was like man starting all over again. So we dont know how advanced man really was before the flood. If an astroid hit the earth today and wiped out all civilization and evidence of our culture and lets say a few tribes from the jungles of the Amazon survived and they had no knowledge of the modern world. Then lets say they multiplied and populated the earth over an 8,000 year period. Would people at that time believe that man was so advanced in technology that we were capable of going to the moon? probabally not. They would probabally say that man in the 21st century were cave dwellers. Its sort of like the movie Planet of the Apes where man had destoyed themselves and in the vast future apes evolved to rule the world. The apes couldn't conceive that man was advanced in their past and to them men were just animals.

I'm not saying that people before the flood were able to travel to space and had all the hitech gagetry that we do, but I think man certainly were far more advance than we think. Some scientist believed that it is possible that man achieved flight before the flood using primative hot air ballons made of elephant skin. The properties of helium were known during that time and its man's nature to fly in any time period. It is also believe that man during that time had the capability of harnessing energy from invisible grid points around the earth. Scientist are now finding out that such energy fields exist around the earth. The knowledge of how to munipulate those gravity fields could explain how those stones were levatated to build the pyramids. There may be hidden properties in the earth that our scientist have not discovered yet and they do admit they don't know everything. Remember, it wasn't too long that man didnt know what an atom was and they certainly didnt know what splitting an atom would do. There is alot of power in the little things that we do not see with the naked eye! Maybe the ancients from long ago had that knowledge.

I do find the Egyptian hyeroglyphs of the aircraft interesting. Its almost like somebody could havr had insight of what was to come in the future. The egpytian light bulb is also interesting. It just might be possible that a number of inventions we thought were invented in the 19th century and even the 20th century were invented during the time before the flood. But there is bible scripture that says as it was during the days of Noah so it shall be in the end of times, as if to say that history will be repeating itself.

I think the underground city under the pyrimids is a realistic possibilty. There are large underground cavities all over the earth. We even have some in the United States, I think in Kentucky. The question is what would be the motive for keeping it secret? and what is behind the second door in the shaft in the Great pyramid?

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Hey Cityboi!!

I agree with your post 100%!! Also, in addition to saying that the end of days would be as the days of Noah... the Bible goes on to say that There is nothing new under the sun.

As for all knowledge of what had existed prior to the flood being wiped out.. I don't agree. If the Biblical account is true, there were 8 people from that era who survived. Maybe that is where we get stories of cities like Eldorado, and other amazing lost cities and civilizations from. I think they could still have possesed a head knowledge of how many things worked, but since they had to start civilization from zero, without any resources that had been built upon, possibly without certain prime materials that had previously been accesible (and with the earth completely different, I mean, think of what a world wide flood would have done to the layers of the earth, and to the geography of it, etc...). I can certainly see how it would take a while for that civilization to be rebuilt. Then, in the 1800's come these "scientists" claiming that ancient men were all unintelligent cave dwellers... and people just won't accept the fact that the science community just might be wrong. But I truly believe we are wrong about just how advanced our ancestors really were.

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Another Biblical/historical thingee that might be related:

I'm not a Bible scholar, but I do recall the story of the Tower of Babel. This was in Genesis, pre-flood I think. And all of mankind spoke the same language, and God saw that as something not good for us, so he made everybody speak different tongues, unable to understand each other.

That's just another example of mankind's degeneration and fall from ancient greatness.

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maybe I'm in the minority, and althought I think the accounts that are in the old testament are possible, I don't think they are probable. I believe that with all verbal legends handed down, they probably are rooted in fact, but have been embellished to show the power of God.

For example, the Flood. I do not believe the flood was World Wide - but I do believe that there was a flood of the "known world" to them at that time, the region they knew. Scientists have proven that that theory is probable, and may indeed have happened. However, I don't believe scientifically that the entire earth could flood at one time.

I do believe that God uses natural disasters to cleanse the earth. Nearly all of the Maya Indians (or was it Inca) were wiped out by a virus brought from Conquistadors. (sorry, got a headache, I don't have all my facts straight, but still wanted to respond to this thread :D ). I believe that a volcano more than likely wiped out Atlants. Are there many active volcanos in South America?

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I do stand corrected, obviously knowledge had to survive if there were survivors from the flood. as you stated, they just didnt have the resources to reproduce the technology from that civilization. If all life were destroyed today and only me and a few of us survived, we would have knowledge of computers and things of that sort but we wouldnt know how to build one. The flood could have indeed been world wide because they are finding fish fossils in mountains all around the world in sediment layers that would have been created during the time of the flood. The question is what would cause a world wide flood? Earthquakes around the world could cause undersea fountains to burst combined with prolong rain. Maybe an astroid hit the earth, who knows. certainly there was alot of volcanic activity as well. But I think the pyramids are older than scientist say they are. And they may have been built to protect ancient knowledge from a lost civilization. I do find the idea of an underground city under the pyramids and what secrets it holds facinating. And if its there, I hope the Egyptian government reveals it to the world. I have a feeling that they may be covering up something that would force historians to re-write history. The Giza complex is old indeed. The Sphinx itself show weather patterns of years of rain. There was no signifigant rain durin the time the complex was believed to be built but during 10,500 bc there was plenty of rain there during that time and the land was more fertile.

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Hey Cityboi,

I again agree with almost everything you say... the only thing I have my doubts about is wether or not the pyramids would have survived a world wide flood. The Biblical account is that the "fountains of the deep" burst.... this would indeed mean that water was coming down from the skies, as well as up from the earth. I believe that places like the grand canyon and such were probably formed at that time from the shear force of these eruptions. Would the pyramids survive something like that?? This of course shoots down my original theory that the city of Atlantis may have been pre-flood, since I doubt the topography would have remained the same as it is today. However, it could have been settled by the grandsons of Noah, who were taught by their father. They could obviously have built a great civilization, though perhaps not as great as what had existed before. :blink: But I could be wrong... maybe the pyramids did survive... maybe the topography didn't change as drastically in some parts as it did in others...

Keep the thoughts coming :thumbsup::thumbsup: ... this is all very interesting!!!!


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Here is a sketch of an object that was found in an acient tomb in Egypt. Scientist have dated this object to around 200 BC. The dating methods prove that its not a hoax or that someone in todays time put it there. Obviously the ancients were thinking about flight and their ideas are indentical to modern day aircraft. Its almost erie because its like some pshycis during the times were able to look into the future, our present, and see what was to come.

It was rediscovered by Dr. Khalil Messiha, who studied models made by ancients. The "discovery" was considered so important by the Egyptian government that a special committee of leading scientists was established to study the object


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These ancient golden trinkets were found in South America (Atlantis?)



an EXACT replica of this was created with an attatch motor and it flew!

There are other cultures which mention flying vehicles of some sort or another. The most known of these sources are Indian epics, especially the Mah

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anyone ever heard of the Nazca lines in Nazca, Peru located in South America? They are ancient shapes of animals formed by rocks. the shapes are are so large, they can only be viewed from the air! Scientist are puzzeled at how these shapes were created at such a large scale without the capability of flight.


Less sensationalistic is the suggestion that this ancient civilization constructed hot-air balloons in which to take passengers aloft to view the symbols. In 1974, Julian Nott and Jim Woodman tested this theory by building a balloon made of materials available to the Nazca natives. They constructed a gondola of totora reeds and stitched-together sheets of cotton cloth that they filled with the hot air from wood smoke. Their balloon, dubbed Condor I, quickly rose to over 300 feet, proving that it was at least possible for the South American natives of this region to have achieved lighter-than-air flight long before Europeans did.

These shapes can only be viewd from the air!

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Here is another one of those ancient South American trinkets



The objects have four wings, two large and two small [unlike birds] [Like some insects] [Like several modern airplanes, i.e. F-16]

They have a vertical stabilizer, the wing on the tail [unlike birds] [unlike insects] [Like most modern airplanes, even the space shuttle]

The wings come from the body, not from the shoulders [unlike birds] [unlike insects] [Like most modern airplanes]

Some appear to have faces, humanoid eyes and mouth [unlike birds] [unlike insects] [unlike airplanes]

The replica in flight. Not only did it fly, but it was also extreme stable


Here is the ancient model from Egypt


Archaeologist have determined that this is NOT a model of a bird but a model glider. The question is did the ancient Egyptians create a full scale working model and if so, is it hidden in some undiscovered chamber or in the rumored underground city?

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The Giza pyramids may be older than most people think

Josephus in his Antiquities of the Jews 1:2:3 tells the following story about Seth and his descendants:

"...they also were the inventors of that peculiar sort of wisdom which is concerned with the heavenly bodies, and their order. And that their inventions might not be lost before they were sufficiently known, upon Adam's prediction that the world was to be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and at another time by the violence and quantity of water, they made two pillars, the one of brick, the other of stone: they inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be destroyed by the flood, the pillar of stone might remain, and exhibit those discoveries to mankind; and also inform them that there was another pillar of brick erected by them. Now this remains in the land of Siriad to this day."

Siriad is an old name for Egypt. This compounded with the riddle in Isaiah 19 about a monument that is at the border of Egypt and in the middle of Egypt, being a witness for God in the last days points to the Great Pyramid. How could an "alter of witness" be big enough to be at the border and the center of a country at the same time? It couldn't. Egypt was divided in to upper and lower Egypt. The great Pyramid is in the exact location between upper and lower Egypt which today is united in to one Egypt. So it is at the border and the middle of the country. This could only happen in Egypt. The natives that live in the area of the Great Pyramid call it Enoch's Pillar. Salt deposits were found in the queens chamber, proving the pyramid itself has been under salt water, which makes it a pre-flood monument.

The history books say that the Great Pyramid was built by Kufu around 2,500 BC but the Pyramids may be older than 10,500 BC. Most people dont realize that the only think that links Kufu with the great pyramid is grafitti above the kings chamber which could have been written by anyone at any time. His name is only written once. The theory is that Noah's grandfather Enoch engineered the Great Pyramid. Enoch is known by other names in other cultures such as Hermes, Thoth and even Merlin. It is said in the Bible that Enoch didnt die and God took him. He was shown many secrets.

the book of Isaiah 19:19

In that day there shall be an altar to the Lord

in the midst of Egypt, and a monument at the

border there of to the Lord. And it shall be for

a sign,and a witness to the Lord of Hosts in

the land of Egypt.

This passage describes the location of the great Pyramid exactly. The Pyramid sits inthe center of Egypt and on the border of upper and lower Egypt.(E. Raymond Capt, The Great Pyramid Decoded p.12 ) During the millennium, either the Great Pyramid will either have to be moved for this "monument" to be set up, or, the Great Pyramid is this monument. If this fact is not convincing enough of the scriptural significance of this structure, consider the following; When the Hebrew letters from Isaiah 19:19 describing the Lord's monument are added together, the sum is 5,449. This is the exact height, in inches, of the Great Pyramid. These inches are the standard of linear measurement encoded within the Great Pyramid itself. Could the great Pyramid have heavenly inspiration for those of you who believe in God? We can't even build those pyramids today with all of our advanced knowledge and technology.

The Connection Between the Pyramid and the Ark of the Covenant

The word ark comes from the Hebrew word aron, which means a chest, box. Its dimensions are described by the bible as 2.5 cubits by 1.5 cubits by 1.5 cubits (45 inches by 27 inches by 27 inches). Curiously, thisis the exact volume of the stone chest or porphyry coffer in the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid in Egypt. This coffer was the only object within the King's Chamber, as the Ark was the single sacred object within the Holy of Holies, in the Temple. Also the laver, or basin, that the priests used to wash their feet had the identical cubit dimensions.

In addition, the cubit dimensions of the inner chamber of the Temple, the Holy of Holies, are precisely identical in size to the King's Chamber in the Pyramid and the same volume as the molten sea of water on the Temple Mount as prepared by King Solomon. Since the Pyramid was built and sealed long before the days of Moses, when he built the Ark and the Holy of Holies, and had remained sealed for over twenty-five centuries until the ninth century after Christ, there is no natural explanation for the phenomenon of both structures having identical volume measurements.

" In ancient times the Pyramid was called the Pillar of Enoch, but to the ancient Egyptian kings, Enoch was called Iemhotop, meaning "He who comes in peace."

Herodotus, the Greek historian in the third century B.C., went to Egypt to check out the Great Pyramid. He found that it was the Pillar of Enoch, with Enoch as its architect, and that it was not a tomb, but contained a great message for a latter date. "

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