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Grand Rapids Public School Building Projects


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In case you have not seen some of the latest designs for the new school buildings being built around the City check out the GRPS web site for the latest drawings, site plans, and even some live web cams. GRPS Bond Construction Web Site.

This week we also approved the drawings for the new middle school on Madison and Franklin. It is pretty incredible. I am sure the drawings will be posted within the next couple of weeks.

Henry School is the farthest along right now. I love the elevation along Charles street. The designer matched the facade of the building with the houses that flank this view.

Each of the new schools are being built as community centers with incredible space for the community to gather.

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In case you have not seen some of the latest designs for the new school buildings being built around the City check out the GRPS web site for the latest drawings, site plans, and even some live web cams.  GRPS Bond Construction Web Site.

This week we also approved the drawings for the new middle school on Madison and Franklin.  It is pretty incredible.  I am sure the drawings will be posted within the next couple of weeks.

Henry School is the farthest along right now.  I love the elevation along Charles street.  The designer matched the facade of the building with the houses that flank this view. 

Each of the new schools are being built as community centers with incredible space for the community to gather.


This is pretty impressive Dave. I was wondering how that bond that passed was going to be used. We are fortunate to have you with us to share your work.

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