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SC : A one party state once again


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Bob Royall dropped out of consideration for the Governor's race today and only one of two GOP candidates for the vacating Superintendent of Education in now still in the race.

I realize that other candidates may jump into the statewide races before filing ending next year, but time is getting shorter, and the odds longer.

It looks as if Sanford will receive only token opposition inside his party and probably too-weak-to-win opposition from the Democrats. Floyd has such a leg up in her race for Super. of Education, that she may not have significant opposition in her primary.

Sanford has some good ideas, but let's face it, damn little has been accomplished. He should have to answer for his four years, but probably won't now, unless he really screws up.

The State newspaper is encouraging the only Statewide Democrat left, Grady Patterson, to retire. I agree he should, but that likely means a one-party sweep is probable.

This is just like the 60's and 70's when the Democrats ran the show with little opposition (Thurmond being the only significant exception). I think this is a step backwards for our state. What will be the alternative when the voters become dissatisfied with the status quo (which frankly, they should already be)? During the Campbell administration, there was a genuine parity between the two parties and the voters benefited from that in my opinion.

Karen Floyd now unopposed for GOP Superintendent of Education

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I think Sanford has done a great job considering what he has to work with. His problem is not the lack of ideas, but the legislature ignoring him and his common sense.


I agree he has great ideas for the most part. Although, the jury is still out on some of his secondary education ones. However, ideas mean nothing if they can't be implemented. While I think it would be a vast improvement if the legislature were replaced with a bunch of lobotimized chickens, that isn't going to happen.

Sanford needs to sit across a table with the legislator kingpins and say "are we going to stop this pissing contest and get something done in this state, or not?" If Campbell could find success with a legislature in the hands of the opposition, even though he didn't get the structural change he wanted, then Sanford ought to be able to accomplish something with a legislature of his own party.

If there were a true two-party system in place, these guys would be worried sick about getting beat in the next election. As it stands now, they are not accountable for their actions because they know their is no viable option for the voters.

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