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The Grand Rapids Challenge


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GRGridGirl wanted this as its own thread, so here ya go:

Here's a challenge, in the spirit of metrogrkid and GRGridGirl pushing us to actually affect positive change in Grand Rapids. Pick a project, no matter how large or small, from this list..


.. or your own, and work on it until you either finish it or cannot go any further (I don't believe that place exists smile.gif ). You can use this thread for questions or help that you need. There are funds available from different sources, so check them out. I will post some links to help you get started:

Cool Cities Grants:


DDA Forms for grants:


If you don't qualify for a DDA grant, help someone else qualify.

If there is a particular piece of property you have in mind, start here:


This will give you the property owners name and address from the Kent County Records. Maybe you would like to help a property owner make improvements that will make the area more attractive. I have one particular project in mind that I think I am going to start working on.

Or just contact the City Commission or Planning Commission and ask how to have your project reviewed at their next meeting:


If you are a college student, make it a group project or ask your professors if you can work this into your curriculum/grade. You will probably learn more doing this than you will in any of your classes, and it will change your life.

Consider this thread our own little "Grand Rapids Incubator". I know there are at least two people on this forum who were VERY instrumental with the companies they work for in getting Cool Cities grant money, so they might be invaluable resources.

Once you have your project nailed down, you can start your own thread to give us all updates, successes, failures, etc..

And to add some tenacity inspiration from a Senior VP I used to work for when I sold contract manufacturing sales: "Puchase order or restraining order, whichever comes first!"

Good Luck!! I'll keep you posted on mine as things progress. The difference between good and great is usually one small step.

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