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The general concensus on this board is that the new RISD building is visionary and will be a wonderful addition. This opinion is shared by many on this board whom I respect. My question is, what in particular is visionary? Excuse my ignorance, but I just dont see it. This could be the fact that most here have trained eyes, which I do not. To me it appears to be far from visionary. Also, how tall will it be?

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I'm with you billy, and maybe I'll take it one step further. I question whether or not visionary to some in this case means: neat looking building with an enourmous budget (or lack there of) designed by a well known and well respected architect. I don't see it as a "destination" building of any kind the way other famous buildings have been throughout history (say the pryamids or the taj mahal.) That said, I doubt RISD is trying to fill those shoes but let's be serious, South Main street is only getting a facade to cover up its parking lot if you're driving/walking by. You won't be able to see this building from any other angle. I'm sure the interior space will be well thought out and innovative and building on any museam is a good thing in my book but "visonary" might be a bit much. I don't mean to sound negative at all about the project and I'd encourage more famous architects to build here but it seems to me that people are latching onto Moneo's name more so than they are to the actual design.

PS: I am no architect and and don't claim to be an educated critic, these are just my initial reactions to the building.

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As one of those who likes the building, I don't ever think I ever would put the tag "visionary" on it. I've always believed it is a merely a pleasant mix of traditional textures and modern themes that fits nicely with the other eclectic buildings on that street (and on RISD's campus). Nothing more, nothing less.

I have no idea how tall it is, as I don't really think height is a key concern for buildings in that area...

- Garris

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Visionary might be a tad strong, but RISd has managed to attract a world respected architect, and that may be the first time in a very long time (since IM Pei, perhaps). I see putting Providence on the map as a place where good architects can do good work as a good thing. I also think it puts a good face on the idea of post-moderism, so the David Brussarts of the world are forced to say that not ALL moderism is bad. It is modern, yet it blends well with its non-modern surroundings. Respectful moderism, who knew?

ps: some renderings and current photos can be found here, for those of you who haven't seen the project: ArtInRuins: Chace Center

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Id have rathered they select an architect based on a good idea rather than a good name.


Based on his past work, this building will probably be one of the best spaces to view art in New England...

I'm thinking on par with the Yale Museum of Art, by Louis Kahn, not that remarkable on the exterior but a perfect, and I mean PERFECT container for art.

Moneo is very skilled at materiality and using light to good effect. I think we will all be pretty pleased.

As far as competitions, they are usually lengthy, expensive processes that don't always result in a great product (re: World Trade Center).

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One consideration that may be overlooked is that the general level of construstion skill in RI is considered by many to be weak. RISD and Moneo may just being realistic about what can be constructed here. His great projects are in Europe or major metroplitan areas (like LA) where the construction standards are much higher.

The only Moneo project I have visited is his LA cathedral and I thought it was superb...better than Gehry's Disney Center across the street.

My two cents.

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  • 6 months later...

The Chase Center sounds like it's going to take a looong time...

"Both Alswang and Gast say the museum's options should become clearer once RISD chooses a builder for the Chace Center.

"Right now, we don't have a primary contractor or a really accurate construction timeline," Gast says. "Once those are in place, probably by the end of the year, we'll have a much better idea of how extensively work on the Chace Center will affect museum operations.""

- Garris

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I never use the search here. I just use Google and limit it to UP with the search modifier "site:urbanplanet.org"...

I'm all the time using the domain specific search function in Google, but never use it to search UP. :blink: I put in a suggestion in the Moderator section that we embed a Google Search box in the forum in future updates.

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I'm all the time using the domain specific search function in Google, but never use it to search UP. :blink: I put in a suggestion in the Moderator section that we embed a Google Search box in the forum in future updates.

While you're making suggestions, could you have them either:

A- Duplicate the navigation links at the top of the page on the bottom, or...

B- Have some kind of drop down menu for quick navigation at the top or bottom of the page?

I hate having to constantly scroll up to the top to navigate between sections. Navigation (along with overall speed) is one of UP's biggest hangups...

- Garris

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  • 2 weeks later...

It would be great if the Museum could do what MoMa in NYC did when they renovated. They moved a huge part of the collection to Queens creating the QNSMoMa. It totally reinvigerated the neighbourhood. Many Manhattanites were heading out to Queens for the first time just to visit the museum, and while there they ate at the neighbourhoods restaurants and visited other smaller galleries and just generally put new life into the area. If RISD could find a space in Olneyville to temporarily house and display some fo the displaced collection it could have a similar affect on Olneyville.

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It would be great if the Museum could do what MoMa in NYC did when they renovated. They moved a huge part of the collection to Queens creating the QNSMoMa. It totally reinvigerated the neighbourhood. Many Manhattanites were heading out to Queens for the first time just to visit the museum, and while there they ate at the neighbourhoods restaurants and visited other smaller galleries and just generally put new life into the area. If RISD could find a space in Olneyville to temporarily house and display some fo the displaced collection it could have a similar affect on Olneyville.

Great idea!!!!!! But I would much rather see it going to Westminster St downcity. I would really like to see Westminster St become the hub of activity downcity.

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It would be great if the Museum could do what MoMa in NYC did when they renovated. They moved a huge part of the collection to Queens creating the QNSMoMa. It totally reinvigerated the neighbourhood. Many Manhattanites were heading out to Queens for the first time just to visit the museum, and while there they ate at the neighbourhoods restaurants and visited other smaller galleries and just generally put new life into the area. If RISD could find a space in Olneyville to temporarily house and display some fo the displaced collection it could have a similar affect on Olneyville.

I think this is a fantastic idea. Personally I would choose the funeral home on westminster next to the former Norma's, but Olneyville proper would be great too. Showing people what the West Side has to offer with something like this that is seen as "legitimate" art as opposed to the wacky stuff thats usually going on in Olneyville could really invigorate the area.

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RISD is already getting involved in Olneyville, even if only for the short term. There was talk that they needed extra studio space for their grad program and was looking at places like Rising Sun for a three year lease while they expanded and built things like the Chase Center.

Just to show how much of an effect RISD can have, does anyone else notice all the "For Rent" signs on the East Side since 400 Westminster has opened to students?

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Just to show how much of an effect RISD can have, does anyone else notice all the "For Rent" signs on the East Side since 400 Westminster has opened to students?

Yes, we've already discussed this. You should come around more often :) I've noticed that you've been absent from this forum of late :whistling:

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I put in a suggestion in the Moderator section that we embed a Google Search box in the forum in future updates.

Integrated Google search of the site is coming.

While you're making suggestions, could you have them either:

A- Duplicate the navigation links at the top of the page on the bottom, or...

B- Have some kind of drop down menu for quick navigation at the top or bottom of the page?

There is a drop down box at the bottom you can use to navigate to any section, but there are so many sections, that it's a little hard to use.

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