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Future of the Landfill


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With only five years left before the current site is filled, things are heating up in the search for answers to questions about the area's future solid-waste disposal. According to an article in the current issue of GSABusiness, a monopoly may occur if Waste Management isn't able to renew a cntract to provide it's services here.

What do you residents of Spartanburg County think about the future of the landfill? Should the County approve a new site in the Enoree area?

Scroll down the home page to find the article. You'll have to pick a copy up to read it in its entirety


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Landfills are a NIMBY and a LULU.

I understand why. I do not want any landfill in my county. We have enough as it is. Mount Trashmore in Lyman has plenty of room left, and I do not want my county becoming the dumping grounf for NC. If it was only OUR waste I would not have as much an issue with it, but I don't trust them to live up to any agreement stating as such.

I don't care is Waste Management is bumped out. They have twisted the system and went through some weird loopholes to get to their approval for this thing by going over the county's head. I'm not 100% clear on how that works, but I know that it makes me loose respect for Waste Management. Becuase of that, their being removed from Spartanburg County is not an issue to me.

Southern Spartanburg County is some of the most beautiful undisturbed land in the state, and I would hate to see it trashed up (literally). The county should vote against it just like they did the last time.

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