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10,000 jobs lost


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this has nothing to do with Pittsburgh. I just sharing this to put things in perspective and also show that the Sunbelt isn't immune to what happens everywhere else.

As you may have heard, there was an earthquake in the business world the damage is hitting Peachtree street on a major level Ma Bell is taking back BellSouth.


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If AT&T succeeds in buying BellSouth, the new company would save billions of dollars, in part by cutting its job count by 10,000.

While an official said those cuts would come through attrition, the changes mean thousands of workers

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They have not really said exactly what is being cut, but it's my opinion the Baby Bells are all too bloated with employees and it needs to be downsized anyway. They, as an entire bunch, have made a lot of bad decisions, bullied other companies to keep out compeition and have done little for innovation in the last 20 years. It's time for them to be replaced with something else.

I don't use BellSouth anymore having replaced it with VoIP.

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