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Google in Michigan

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That's the final straw. I'm moving to Ann Arbor! If Google won't come to Grand Rapids, I'll go to where Google is going. ;)

google, schoogle. to heck with em! We have better things coming to town (apparently) :D

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I have not ruled out Google yet. Is it coincidence that the new Googleplex planning is shrouded in secrecy like our super-secret development project? Is it coincidence that Google was considering Ann Arbor for their new Googleplex and then they suddenly withdrew them from consideration when word leaked out? That would be very good motivation for all these local folks to keep a secret. You just don't see that every day without something tangible to encourage secrecy.

A Googleplex is one of the few possibities that makes sense when you consider what we currently know. A technology/call center centered around mass transit with low priced real estate and plenty of 22 - 30 year olds. I could see that costing over $1 billion and creating 10K jobs over the next several years.

In summary, we have 3 key ingredients here: Secrecy, cheap land in an urban environment, and the right demographics. When you add in all the speculation about Google's connections to UofM, MSU, biotech, and the fact they they were previously considering Ann Arbor, it's gets even more interesting. And finally, the rumors are out there. Why are these rumors being floated by so many people???

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I hadn't seen this before:

"Last year, Israels Designs for Living founder Bob Israels talked to Google representatives about the John Widdicomb complex, a former furniture factory on the city's West Side he is renovating for office use. "

From Mlive (GRPress)


That was posted in the "I cant belive its not butter!" Mystery Development thread.

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what was the date on that article I swear it was the same one written, back this summer that was posted. They pulled out of the places they were searching, and have been mum about it ever since. Am I not correct?

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Nope, not messing with you. I honestly remembered the conversation but did not remember if this particular article had been posted. It was sent to me by a friend who indicated that they had begun talking about this being a real thing in Ann Arbor.

Sorry for the confusion. :blush:

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I was born and raised in Grand Rapids Michigan and I am a Computer Science and Engineering major at Michigan State. I would want nothing more than for this new project to be Google because if it was certainly other computer related companies would follow but I have my doubts that it is in fact Google. It just seems too good to be true for me and the evidence seems to be going against it. First they said it would be related to entertainment and that its multiple entities. Both of these comments would suggest that it is not Google although I suppose its possible that they are trying to steer us in the wrong direction. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

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I had been under the impression that Google was in talks to move its headquarters to the Phoenix area. Not gonna say where that info came from. It may be public who knows. I would be overjoyed if they ended up in GR. It would be great things for GR and Michigan no losers! Cept maybe San Jose where they are leaving.

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You guys are thinking Google HQ. That's not what is being bantered about. It would be a "Googleplex" data processing center. Google is looking to open a number of these around the country. They employ about 1000 people, and usually include retail and entertainment amenities to intravenously feed their brain-numbed zombies. :P

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You guys are thinking Google HQ. That's not what is being bantered about. It would be a "Googleplex" data processing center. Google is looking to open a number of these around the country. They employ about 1000 people, and usually include retail and entertainment amenities to intravenously feed their brain-numbed zombies. :P

Right on, Google isn't looking to relocate its entire operation. However, in order to expand their services they need more office space. Even a company with a market cap of 100 Billion Dollars can't justify continuously expanding office space in what is arguably one of the costliest real estate markets in the nation. Google recently ink'd a deal with NASA to re-develop the Ames Research Center in Northern California into a Googleplex where NASA and Google research is jointly conducted. Google has also recently set up shop in Tempe, AZ at AZ State U as part of a joint research venture with the university. If this project involves Google we'll know within the week. They seem to be on a new release binge over the last couple of days.

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Another thing to consider is that Google has been looking into building and providing city wi-fi networks/services. Examples are in Mountain View, CA and San Francisco. GR has publically asked for proposals for building a wireless network, and these proposals are due on April 4th.

But one of the expectations for a GR wi-fi network is that it should be open so that multiple ISPs could offer services utilizing the network. Google has wanted to provide free access, which would seem to stifle competition. However, presumably free access provided by Google would mean agreeing to something that would provide them with revenue (e.g. Google ads/marketing, being a part of some sort of hybrid private/Internet network.). So I guess other companies could still offer "premium" services (higher bandwidth, free of Google ads, etc.)

Anyways, this may tie into the possibility of a Google data center in GR.

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If google was going to move to GR, I would think the first thing they would do is make sure google earth contained satellite photos of GR, like every other metro area.

Ah but they do have some satellite photos of GR! They just don't have detailed satellite photos of the land project "x" is on...

Coincidence?!?! <_<

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