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The Majority Rules: The Area of Louisiana That the US Will Forfeit...Life Has A Price

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Wait until the next ice age! You'll be running from the glaciers! Running I tell ya!

And I think someone on this site's been watching a little too much It Could Happen Tomorrow.

You're just sore because you're a "red" State on that map. :lol:

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I'm not even so sure that a warmer Earth is so terrible anyways, it will take some adjustment, but if the earth were to get as warm as it did in the dinosaur's times I think that it could be a good thing. Imagine not having to deal with a winter, or at least it would be a very mild winter everywhere. I guess thats looking very far down the road though.

You make it sound as if it's a simple matter of having to wear a lighter jacket. Humans aren't the only things on earth! The entire ecosystem of this world would go haywire. Species would migrate, many would become extinct. You can say goodbye to most of the world's sea life, along with many species not living between the tropic of cancer and the tropic of capricorn. It may seem like we are so intelligent that we can handle anything, but a rise in temperature like during the times of the dinosaurs would be a horrible thing. It would create a domino effect that would eventually reach us, and then we would finally realize how much we depended on the other life and resources on this planet. Maybe we would regret having screwed the planet. You can also say goodbye to our greatest cities...NYC, San Fran, Venice, London, Shanghai, Boston, Sydney, LA, Seattle.... All our coastal cities would become completely flooded, and if the water doesn't get you than maybe the Cat 5 hurricanes and freak thunderstorms will. O yah, and what about the large majority of the world's population who don't have their little air conditioned boxes to live in? Crops would die, which would lead to domesticated animals dying, many animals that people rely on for food (ie: fish) would die out. Starvation and death in third world countries would spiral out of control. Ever wonder why the dinosaurs didn't make it?? But at least we wouldn't have to deal with winter!

Sorry about that speech. I was just annoyed at the amount of people that believe that global warming is just a cycle and that if it ever does happen all the rich folks can just leave and screw another planet.

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This is actually my viewpoint on it. I don't doubt the obvious fact that the Earth is getting warmer, but I do doubt the extent to which some seem to believe humans are responsible. The issue called "global warming" is typically referred to as warming of the Earth as caused by humans. When you hear the mainstream media talking about global warming, they're almost always blaming humans.

I've read studies on both sides of the issue, and in my opinion neither side has me completely sold. Both sides make good points but neither is entirely conclusive. So what if the Earth is warming at a faster rate than during any other historical warming cycle? Is that enough information to conclude, with certainty, that humans are contributing to this? Not the way I see it; I see it as something to consider, but the fact remains that while the Earth does go through cycles, those cycles are never exactly the same.

I'm by no means closed-minded, but until someone can prove to me conclusively that humans are to blame for the warming of the Earth, I will continue to believe it's merely a passing cycle.

I don't know if I totally lean in your direction but I do question how much global warming is due to human activity and what's a part of a cycle that's occured a lot through the Earth's history. The Earth has obviously gone through hot and cold periods before and you can't blame those on human activity. Who's to say this isn't a natural cycle? Although I won't say that human activity has no effect at all. It could be speeding up the process.

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