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I'm mowing the F-ing grass


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I was on business in AA and Detroit the other day. Driving back from a large building renovation we are doing, I saw so many neighborhood parks in Detroit covered in weeds. It bothers me, so the next time in the area, I think I'm just going to mow the grass since the city can't get its act together! And I'm not even a resident. Whatever happened to residents priding their city. Even up here in Saginaw we know that the city can't afford to cut the grass all the time, so some residents do it as a service because we CARE about our community.

Anyone else pissed off and want to do the same!

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I just hope no one from the unions see you. :) Perhaps some vacant lots would be better? I've heard of citizens mowing empty lots near them, but never someone from outside the city (non-property owner at that) mowing randomly. I'm not trying to discourage, anyone, just wondering all the technicalites of this idea. Perhaps, you could even throw the idea out to form some kind of organization that sponsors cleanups like this to give it some legitimacy/legal protection.

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I always think of this as well. It bugs the heck out of me that I can't just pick a few lots and just mow them.

AND, I'm also concerned about what's underneath all the tall grass/weeds. I remember a few weeks ago, some guy was mowing a lot next to his and about ran over a live grenade. That would suck if he missed it because the bomb squad was able to detonate it easily.

Also, I'm concerned with the legallity of it. I don't know if there are any issues with that, but knowing my luck, someone would approach me and take me to jail. lol

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The neighbors here on my street all take turns mowing the 3 vacant lots on our block (all 3 are owned by the city). It's not too bad, since we've been able to keep people from dumping on them. There are a few that have been dumped on a few blocks over that nobody will touch...I guarantee that mowing those will ruin your mower blade!

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I think there are already orginizations set up for cleaning the city, so you could probably just tag along on one of those. Going by yourself could come off kinda bad if someone asked what you were doing. "I'm mowing this lawn because the city isn't doing it, and you're not doing it, so I am." Going with a group would be better.

I personaly think a lot of buildings would look better with some new paint.

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You know what I'd like to see more of in Detroit? Community gardens. That would take care of so many empty lots, and give neighborhoods more pride in their community as they'd have to invest time in these lots, and it wouldn't have to worry about grass getting too high. Of course, this would be on lots long forgotten/abandoned, and not already taken care of by their owners. It would be very cool if a city-wide program was started for those neighborhoods interested in doing this. This could, perhaps, complement the Greening of Detroit.

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This sounds like a good thing to do, but as people said it's probably better to do as a group. My suggestion would be to do this as a Detroit Synergy group/event. Jen Ruud heads up Project Clean, a Detroit Synergy project, and might be good to talk to about this. The thing to know is that Detroit Synergy is basically just a banner behind people who have the will to head up projects -- they look for good ideas too, but they mostly don't have the people to implement them. It sounds like there are at least a few people here who could do much of the work and teaming up with DS would add some publicity and a few more mowers.

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Ramcharger, I hope this doesn't come across as a mean-spirited question, but I honestly want to know what makes you continue to stay and put up being in Detroit? I ask because I can sense your frustration in almost all of your post. I mean, that can't possibilty be good for one's mental or physical health.

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