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Book: The Practice of Local Government Planning

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The Practice of Local Government Planning (Municipal Management Series)

by Charles Hoch (Editor), Linda C. Dalton (Editor), Frank S. So (Editor)

A career guide recommended this book as a source of info for those considering a career in city planning. It reads like an introductory text book, written and organized in a way that makes its info easy to find and absorb. And I'm delighted at how often it refers to certain elements of Boston as great design. It does of course mention the West End as a casualty of bad planning practice. It might mention Government Center too. It gives me the impression that planners generally share the same preference for mixed-use, density and transit oriented developments and enthusiasm for new urbanism that dominates this board. The book isn't easy to get a hold of. I had to borrow it through an college interlibrary loan. But is worth at least flipping through. Though reading it cover to cover might put you to sleep.

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Interesting stuff, this is sort of a personal interest of mine, though I doubt I'd make a career out of it. Would it confuse someone who doesn't know the Boston area?

Boston is really just one of many reference points it uses. You don't need to have any experience with Boston to understand the book.

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