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What are the issues in Grand Rapids for this Campaign Season?


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Now there has been a lot of discussion over the candidates but I notice limited discussions about that people think are the true issues in Grand Rapids. Being new to the area, I have a limited idea of what the issues are and even less information about the local candidates. (For local offices)

What do you think are the local issues, and what do you think that the local candidates will do to correct them (if elected that is)?

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Now there has been a lot of discussion over the candidates but I notice limited discussions about that people think are the true issues in Grand Rapids. Being new to the area, I have a limited idea of what the issues are and even less information about the local candidates. (For local offices)

What do you think are the local issues, and what do you think that the local candidates will do to correct them (if elected that is)?

Are there any canidates that are Pro-Mass transit?

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I have to say that I am a little disappointed that there is not more discussion of the local issues.

Are there any local elections this fall? Any City Council or anything?

Thinking back to the primary...

We (statewide) are electing a judge or two. There's a drain commissioner. There's the civil rights initiative.

Is the senior millage on the ballot or was the primary approval enough?

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I have to say that I am a little disappointed that there is not more discussion of the local issues.

Are there any local elections this fall? Any City Council or anything?

I think most of the area's attention is being eaten up by the Governor's race. Generally small local issues only become prevalent in the weeks leading up to the elections. The Civil Rights Initiative seems to be a growing issue, but again, that's at the State level.

We're mainly armchair developers around here in case you didn't notice. :whistling:

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Some races local to GR, but connected on a larger scale:

Jane Beckering is one local canidate who is running for the Michigan Supreme Court.

Theres David LaGrand v Bill Hardiman, its lookling like a close race actually.

As for other lesser-known elections that have an impact locally theres Jim Rinck v Vern Ehlers.

It seems all local races were decided mostly on the august 8th ballot.

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Another thing that any voter can do is to go to www.publius.org and enter your name and, if necessary, your city. Then click on "find your ballot" and it will bring up your actual ballot for election day. It's a great way to avoid surprises such as local issues that no one wants to publicize.

Right now it's still showing primary ballot information from August since the November ballots aren't yet finalized due to court cases, etc. I believe it has to be finalized 30 days out, which is early October.

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