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Goode, not so Goode


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Has anyone heard Virgil Goode's remarks on the news because of newly elected congressman Ellison from Mn? The way it sounded, it was as if he was afraid that Muslims would take over the government and force everyone to swear on the Quran. Tell me, doesn't that sound just a little bigotted? He represents south-central Virginia west of Richmond from about Charlottesville to the NC border. Man I hope people out there don't think like he does. Wasn't this country founded on religious freedom?

AP article

Goode said the U.S. needs to stop illegal immigration "totally" and reduce legal immigration.

Goode added: "I fear that in the next century we will have many more Muslims in the United States if we do not adopt the strict immigration policies that I believe are necessary to preserve the values and beliefs traditional to the United States of America and to prevent our resources from being swamped."

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What does Keith Ellison have to do with immigration? He is an American born citizen that converted to Islam at a young age by his own choice.

Conservatives like Goode need to learn how to be conservative with their racist/xenophobic blabbing. If I lived in Goode's district, I'd be deeply ashamed of having him represent me.

Keith Ellison won his election fair and square and I've heard nothing but horrible garbage coming out of Republicans' mouths whenever he is brought up to the point that it is really offensive to me.

I think Keith's election was a big step forward for our society. A black muslim was elected to congress by a white/Christian majority district. I'm proud that he will be in my state's congressional delegation.

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Most American Muslims are not anything like the terroist estremist crackpots we see on the news. Infact, most Muslims living in the US condemn the extremists and terrorist for misrepresnting their religion. Apparently, Mr. Goode fails to realize that everybody puts pants on the same way; one leg at a time.

As for me if a Muslim wants to be a congressmen good for him. If he wants to swear into office on the Quran, that's his choice. As long as the new senetor does a good job I'm fine with him.

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This whole thing is yet another non-issue manufactured by the Republican propaganda machine to frighten their base and discredit their opponents. They know they can't win on the issues, so they resort to rediculous scare tactics.

The thing is, Congressmen and Senators aren't sworn in on the Bible, Koran, Torah, Darwin's Evolution of Species, or anything else. they have a ceremony in which all the incoming members together raise their right hands and recite the oath after the Speaker or Vice President. The pictures you always see of the member with his hand on the Bible are staged after the fact by the individual members to send to campaign members, donors, local press in their districts, etc. They have no legal or constitutional substance, and the members can choose to have their photo taken with whatever they want.

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I agree this is a blatant attempt to scare the republican base---a little xenophobia and homophobia goes a long way with this group. Like a poster said, when the issues aren't doing them any good, reps always resort to fear.

If Goode actually believes this claim, that American culture is "in danger" because of Muslim immigration, then he is an imbicile.

In the first place, without immigration our culture loses all it's dynamism. It loses diversity. I've said it a million times, but why not say it again---without immigration America's culture is a dead duck.

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It's ignorant, to say the least.

I feel much better about a Muslim being sworn in using the Quran than using the Bible. If you don't believe in the book you're swearing on, who's to say you'll keep to your word?

Goode is simply stirring things up. It's just like those people who say "If we allow men to marry men, what's next - men marrying their pets??"

Give me a break.

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These people are really starting to scare me with their nationalistic and xenophobic talk. I don't think it was this overt and public before.

And the sad thing is, Goode will probably be re-elected with a wider majority come next election.

When these same people promote the war on terrorism to end extremism, they should include themselves. Using the election of a black American muslim to justify fringe positions on immigration (legal and illegal) is scary.

What happened to the real conservatives?

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Since the States is technically not a "christian nation" I don't see why any public official should have to "swear on the bible". If I was being sworn in for something, I might as well be placing my hand on a Dr.Suess book. For me, green eggs and ham would have as much meaning as the bible.

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Since the States is technically not a "christian nation" I don't see why any public official should have to "swear on the bible". If I was being sworn in for something, I might as well be placing my hand on a Dr.Suess book. For me, green eggs and ham would have as much meaning as the bible.
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