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Conspiracy theories!


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Thanks I think the "battle of Los Angeles" is the best proof that UFOs exist. Its direct evidence and its so clear. There is more evidence in this case than Roswell. We just need to realize that there is life elsewhere in the universe, including intellegent life. We also need to realize that we aint the smartest beings in this universe and that more advance beings just might know of a technology that allows them to travel vast distances in the universe in a short period of time. Of course there are unknown laws of physics in this universe and Albert Einstein began to tap into that a little. Personally I think the world we live in today is a false reality. If we knew the true reality, it would upset the world's economic, social and religous order. It would be a major shake up in our belief system and would cause panic. People wouldnt know what to believe and what not to believe. So you see why the world's governments are trying to hide this at all cost. What would the churches think if they found out that man may have been genetically manipulated in the past or that we might even share some of the DNA with these beings that are coming here. That kinda affects the creation story a little. Because the subject is so bazzar, many people will never believe it even if the evidence is staring them in the face.


Battle of Los Angeles

origional LA Times photo



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I will say this, Legends are usually based on real things that happened.

Not exactly conspiracy theories, but close: I've gotten interested in how actual events show up in myths and legends, and have always been interested in certain sciences, and geologic dating of various cataclysmic events has corresponded interestingly with some folklore:

The eruption (~600 years ago) of Mt. Mazama in Oregon, which created the Crater Lake caldera through a series of cataclysmic eruptions has existed, in metaphoric form, in Native American folkore from the region. There were no written languages in the area at the time, but pieces of the stories survive to present day.

The earthquake-triggered collapse of a mounatin gap in NW Turkey may have created the Black Sea - previously a frewshwater body 50% smaller. The remains of a handful of neo-lithic settlements have been found along the drowned shoreline, so there were early humans in the area, and evidence of an old river delta, now submerged, still exists on the seafloor of the Black Sea, in the form of fan-shaped sediment deposits. The theory is that this may be the source of the Noah's ark legend - Mt Ararat is located just east of the southeast end of the Black Sea.

Several episodes from the book of Exodus are also theorized to have a possible gelologic explanation: at about the same time historically, one of the largest volcanic eruptions in human history occurred on the island of Thera (now Santorini and remnant islets) in the Aegean Sea. This eruption ejected between 40 and 100 cubic km of ash into the atmosphere, detsroyed the island of Thera, and blasted a caldera crater 1500' deep into the Aegean seafloor. Thera and Crete were both part of the Minoan civilaization at the time, which was almost completely destroyed, and very, very large tsunamis moved S and E through the eastern Mediterranean. Minoan artifacts are still being found offshore from Santorini (the largest fragment of Thera that remained above sea level, and now a popular tourist destination), and debris has been recovered from topsoil nearly 100' above sea level on a few islands, signalling the extremity of the tsunamis. Egypt and the Holy land would have both been downstream from both the tsunamis and a the ashfall (and the ashfall and dust would - in an eruption of this magnitude - have had major, if temporary, effects upon the climate). It has been speculated that at least some of the phenomena described in Exodus may have been a poetic or allegorical description of the effects of the eruption; such effects would - in such an eruption - have been plausible.

The largest solidly documented volcanic eruption in human history took place at Mt Tambora in Java, 192 years ago, with an eruption that ejected at least 100 cubic km (Mt St Helens, in 1980, by contrast blasted 1-2 cubic km into the atmosphere) into the atmosphere. The climatological aftereffects included July blizzards in Canada, New England, Scandanavia, Russia and northern China, freezes in mid-summer as far south in the US as North Carolina, and a famine across eastern Europe. The famine, it is theorized, fueled the first large wave of migration from Europe to the U.S., and the summertime freezes in the NE US, it is speculated, may have provoked the first major internal migrations towards the SW and Pacific Coast of what is now the US.

Of the many disosaur-extinction theories there is this: there are 4 major impact craters on Earth, now buried under enough sediment as to be fairly obsured, though evidence would be seen in a fragmented bedrock (which re-cemented back together from the heat of the impact) core sample. The craters are about 60 miles wide each, one along the Yucatan coast in Mexico, one in the North Sea off the NE coast of the UK, one in the Arabian Sea 200 miles west of Mumbai, and one in the Ukraine between Kiev and the Byelorussian border. Each are of the same age, and correspond (65 million ya) to about the same time as a major extinction event at the Permian/Triassic boundary. Core sample dating reveals (from locations around the Earth) a thin layer of elevated iridium content, an element normally not found in such concentrations at the earth's surface, implying that the Ir may have been deposited as fallout from an ash/debris cloud. Fossil debris from buried topsoil layers in several Caribbean islands (found at elevations well above sea level) is also of roughly the same age.

The latest on the Tunguska event, over Siberia during the early 20th century, is that a team *may* have found an impact crater: a small, but very deep lake, with a sloped bottom and smashed bedrock below the deep end of the lake. This is located several miles away from the center of the airburst (the center of the area in which trees were incinterated and laid flat in a broad butterfly shape). The UFO and Black Hole theories are still in existance with this event, along with the general meteorite/comet theory. The lake findings would suggest a meteorite, though the above-ground explosion and the pressure shock waves that radiated away from the site would suggest a comet explosion in the lower atmosphere...

There are several other volcanic events that are thought to have had epic effects on human development. It's been noted that homo sapiens has surprisingly little genetic variance for a species ~100,000 years old, and one theory proposed that humans went through a genetic narrowing ~75,000 years ago, which corresponds with the eruption of Toba in Sumatra. The eruption created a crater lake (Lake Toba) 100 miles long, 30-60 miles wide and several hundred feet deep. This would probably be the largest eruption during human existance; ashfalls 20 feet thick have been found in core samples as far away as India. It is speculated that such an eruption (about 1000 times larger than the eruption of Mt St Helens) would have killed 3/4 of the human population alive at the time (about 1,000,000), would have driven numbers of surviving homo sapiens from east Africa, would have probably triggered an ice age in the Northern Hemisphere (thanks to the trade winds - much of Europe, northern Asia, and central Asia would have probably become uninhabitable) and would have created an ozone layer hole that would have exposed parts of the Southern Hemisphere to temporarily (1-5 years) highly elevated UV layers.

...A bunch of semi-scientific what-if's...

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"Not exactly conspiracy theories, but close: I've gotten interested in how actual events show up in myths and legends"

Also consider the fact that the city of Troy was believed to be a mythilogical because it was in a legend but it turned out the city existed and they found what use to be the city of Troy. The same could probabally be said for Atlantis and these mysterious being that come from the skys. Legends are always based off some truth.

The ancient Sumerians called these beings from the skys "Anunnaki" In the Bible they are referenced as the "Nephilim"

Anunnaki in Sumerian means "those who came from heaven to Earth"

Nephilim means "Those who were cast down from heaven"

according to the Bible these non-earthly beings tooks earth women as wives and bore offsprings. They were refered to as "fallen angels" and many believe the purpose was to contaminate the bloodline to prevent the son of God from being born. But the whole thing kinda sound likes Alien abductions where extraterrestrials take DNA samples from humans to create a hybrid offspring.

The Anunnaki in ancient times were also called "The Watchers" and certainly thats the nature of extraterrestrial not interfering with earthlings. They seem to be watching and not doing alot of contact with humans.

The Sumerians and other pagan civilizations worshiped these beings as gods, while the Hebrews were told by God that they were rebellious beings outside of God's grace who were to be shunned. Their final end was predicted in Jeremiah 10:11, "These gods, who did not make the heavens and the earth, will perish from the earth and from under the heavens."

and then the Great Flood happened.

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I also think there is a supression of the truth our past in regards to ancient civilizations and "those that come from the skys" supposedly there was a vast city discovered under the great pyramids and that the discoveries are being covered up because there is evidence of the "Atlantis Civiliation". Dicoveries that have said to been found show that some sort of grand "DNA experiment" was going on. The discoveries proved that this was a culture who cracked the genetic code. These "teachers from the skys" taught man these things. It was said a technology far beyond our own was discovered and that this technology explained how the Pyramids and its under ground mega city were built. here is a reference to the secret discoveries:


This passage is from the Book of Jasher which was suppose to be included in the Bible:

JASHER 4:18 And their judges and rulers went to the daughters of men and took their wives by force from their husbands according to their choice, and the sons of men (Nephilim or fallen angels) in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order there with to provoke the Lord; and God saw the whole earth and it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted its ways upon earth, all men and all animals. 19 And the Lord said, I will blot out man that I created from the face of the earth, yea from man to the birds of the air, together with cattle and beasts that are in the field .

From the words in that book, it sounds like these beings from the skys were involved with DNA manipulation. It said they taught the mixture of species which sounds exactly like the evidence that has been found under the great pyramids. Notice the verse speaks of cattle which sounds like todays cattle mutilations. That verse also repeats what is said in the Book of Genesis about these fallen angels taking earth woman and producing hybrid offspring (sounds like what is done in alien abductions). The verse indicates this was the reason God brought on the great flood to destroy all life that had been corrupt. Personally I think these extraterrestrial and Fallen Angels are all the same beings. Thats why the truth of our history is being covered up in Egypt because there is a connection with that truth and UFOs.

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"Not exactly conspiracy theories, but close: I've gotten interested in how actual events show up in myths and legends"

Also consider the fact that the city of Troy was believed to be a mythilogical because it was in a legend but it turned out the city existed and they found what use to be the city of Troy. The same could probabally be said for Atlantis and these mysterious being that come from the skys. Legends are always based off some truth.

The Atlantis myth: the eruption at Thera that may have inspired parts of Exodus is also speculated to be one possible source of the Atlantis stories. The entire Mediterranean basin is (like Indonesia and Japan) one of the more geologically active spots in the world - tectonically Europe/West Asia, Africa, along with Siberia, India and Arabia (all three were once seperate continental masses) are all being slowly swept into one enormous land mass, with the Mediterranean, Black, Caspian and Aral Seas the last remnants of a mostly-closed ocean that once seperated them. The force of this drift has - in the process - raised (and continues to raise) the Alps, Pyrenees, Himalayas, Hindu Kush and several other dynamic mountain ranges stretching from Spain to China. Thus, the Mediterranean region and the northern Middle East has a history of many cataclysmic events throughout human existance, and if we were to dig through Biblical, Greek, Roman, Iberian and Arabic lore, I'm sure there would be many, many symbolic reflections of some of these.

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The Atlantis myth: the eruption at Thera that may have inspired parts of Exodus is also speculated to be one possible source of the Atlantis stories. The entire Mediterranean basin is (like Indonesia and Japan) one of the more geologically active spots in the world - tectonically Europe/West Asia, Africa, along with Siberia, India and Arabia (all three were once seperate continental masses) are all being slowly swept into one enormous land mass, with the Mediterranean, Black, Caspian and Aral Seas the last remnants of a mostly-closed ocean that once seperated them. The force of this drift has - in the process - raised (and continues to raise) the Alps, Pyrenees, Himalayas, Hindu Kush and several other dynamic mountain ranges stretching from Spain to China. Thus, the Mediterranean region and the northern Middle East has a history of many cataclysmic events throughout human existance, and if we were to dig through Biblical, Greek, Roman, Iberian and Arabic lore, I'm sure there would be many, many symbolic reflections of some of these.

And maybe Atlantis was very much like the Roman Empire were it wasnt just one country. Maybe Atlantis was all over the world and that over time, its inhabitants seperated and created other cultures such as te Mayans, Greeks, Roman, Egyptians, ect. Maybe thats why its so difficult to determine the location of Atlantis..

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here is a video clip of a british guy who hacked into US government computers and found evidence of UFOs. The guy is getting 60 years in a US prison based on the fact the the government said he caused $5,000 worth of damage to each computer he hacked into, when in fact he did no damage and was only snooping.


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I am a firm believer of the 911 conspiracy. 911 had to happen to justify (at least in the minds of the public) going into Iraq. further more the government has taken some of America's freedoms away. Its all about oil and power. I believe it to be steps towards the "New World Order". Witness heard "controlled" explosions on the World Trade towers before they went down.

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And maybe Atlantis was very much like the Roman Empire were it wasnt just one country. Maybe Atlantis was all over the world and that over time, its inhabitants seperated and created other cultures such as te Mayans, Greeks, Roman, Egyptians, ect. Maybe thats why its so difficult to determine the location of Atlantis..


I don't want to veer too far off topic, but this kind of thing fascinates me - ancient and lost civilizations, and unraveling some of the mysteries around them: you run into natural events, intrigues and political chicanery, and all kinds of other processes. And the side effect is the spread of influences - I've been reading a lot of Asian, European and African history lately, and once you start to dig even slightly, you start discovering just how widely cultural influences spread, with some occasionally surprising legacies left behind. The writer Peter Matthiessen wrote this great, meditative book about a trek across the Himalaya in the early 1970s (The Snow Leopard, which won a National Book Award in '78); and he comments upon the superficial similarities seen in certain aspects of Tibetan and Plains Indian (Native American) cultures that he'd had opportunity to observe close at hand at different times, which just got me to thinking about what early, early human influences might have crossed various land bridges (places now submerged), but still show up in fragments in societies now widely seperated from each other.

Apparently (according to Yahoo news, at least), the Indian Ocean tsunami washed sediment away from a now submerged settlement in the shallow straits between India and Sri Lanka...

Sometimes (or some of us) we think we are so advanced at this point in history. This is and isn't true - cultural influences have been crossing vast differences for millennia.

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I am a firm believer of the 911 conspiracy. 911 had to happen to justify (at least in the minds of the public) going into Iraq. further more the government has taken some of America's freedoms away. Its all about oil and power. I believe it to be steps towards the "New World Order". Witness heard "controlled" explosions on the World Trade towers before they went down.

Project for a New American Century (Neoconservative think tank) laid out plans for invasions of both Iraq and Iran, as well as increasing control over the American people, way back in the mid 90s. Step one was to get a Republican president in office. Step two was to await (cause?) what they referred to as "another Pearl Harbor" to scare the public into supporting the invasions and giving up their constitutional rights. All of this has come to pass in the last several years. Do a web search for PNAC and you'll see that the neocons didn't even keep this agenda secret. They felt free to publish it all publicly, knowing that the apathy of the American public would keep too many people from looking closely enough to realise just what was going on. The idea that wars with Iraq and Iran, and even 9/11, were central to the neocon agenda well before Bush took office isn't a conspiracy theory. It is a conspiracy, out there for anyone to see, if they care to look.

Osama bin Laden was trained and supplied by the Reagan administration. He was on the CIA payroll for many years until, according to the official story, he somehow decided that his American allies were insulting his people by maintaining a presence in his homeland, so he declared war. Honestly, it makes more sense to think that he is still working with the American neocons, who have gained immense wealth and power as a direct result of bin Laden's actions. It would explain why, in the late 90s, the Republicans attacked Clinton for attempting to eliminate bin Laden ("Wag the Dog," anyone?). It would explain why six years after 9/11 bin Laden is still at large, the CIA office charged with finding him is closed, and why our president says he "doesn't spend much time thinking about" the hunt for bin Laden.

It would also explain why we haven't been attacked at home, why there hasn't even been a serious attempt by al Qaida to attack us at home, in over six years. An attack in the US during that time would have destroyed the Bush administration's credibility on homeland defense and, unlike 9/11, would have no tangible benefit for the neocons. I think the likelihood of an al-Qaida-linked attack in the US will increase as we approach next year's elections, especially if it seems likely that the Republicans will lose the White House in the election.

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Conspiracy theories are great for fictional books and movies but that's all they are worth. All it takes is a few un-answered questions and lots of speculation with few facts to back it up. Maybe both Bush's and Clinton's are really extraterestrials and are going to rule the world together after their 24 year plan is complete. Why else would they all seem to be such good friends? Ron Brown, Vince Foster and Barbara Olsen found out about their plans and were taken out. I think this explains a lot, it's all becoming clear to me now!

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Conspiracy theories are great for fictional books and movies but that's all they are worth. All it takes is a few un-answered questions and lots of speculation with few facts to back it up. Maybe both Bush's and Clinton's are really extraterestrials and are going to rule the world together after their 24 year plan is complete. Why else would they all seem to be such good friends? Ron Brown, Vince Foster and Barbara Olsen found out about their plans and were taken out. I think this explains a lot, it's all becoming clear to me now!


Did I post anything that isn't a verifiable fact? If you look at the facts of what have happened in the years since the 2000 election, along with the long-term strategies being produced by right-wing think tanks in prior years, there really aren't many unanswered questions or topics for speculation. What is happening is what they wanted to happen.

If the "official" story is to be believed, then we've got a bunch of incompetants running the country, bungling everything they attempt yet somehow managing to personally profit immensely from their gaffes. Frankly, I find this idea far more unbelievable than the one I posted above.

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^^^What do you think of my conspiracy theory? I'm thinking of writing a book about it.
Well, the idea of Dubya being an alien presents a quandry for me. If extra terrestrial life forms are more advanced than us, him being from another world is truly unbeliveable. Then again, I kinda like the idea he's not human. Would explain lots.
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Well, the idea of Dubya being an alien presents a quandry for me. If extra terrestrial life forms are more advanced than us, him being from another world is truly unbeliveable. Then again, I kinda like the idea he's not human. Would explain lots.
It's just an act, remember this is the same man (alien) who master minded the 9-11 attacks! It's all a part of the plan.

You don't think that tsunami just happened? No, the mother ship that is stationed under water in the Devils Triangle came up close to the shore and thrust its engines to cause it. This is also part of the plan as Bush sr. and Clinton rallied the world for money which most of it went to finance their cause, not to the victims. After Hillary's first term is over this will all be revealed.

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Well, the idea of Dubya being an alien presents a quandry for me. If extra terrestrial life forms are more advanced than us, him being from another world is truly unbeliveable. Then again, I kinda like the idea he's not human. Would explain lots.

It stands to reason that if there's stupid here, there's probably stupid out there as well. Some advanced civilization might be secretly dumping their doofuses on us: "Bah. He's a true knuckle-dragger, XP2^%38.2 - should we send him to Earth? Whaddaya think? I mean, most of us were levitating before those clowns were even through with witch trials - he oughta fit right in."

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