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The Confederate flag issue rekindled


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I'm really wondering what the point of this thread is - SC as well as every state in this nation has embarrassing news items that does not represent the feelings of all the residents. But do we really need to keep track of every incident & report it to this thread? Does every state in UP have a similar thread? There are a lot of threads in all the forums that may not have much to do with urbanism, but they are popular because it provides an outlet for state or regional discussion, such as the SC sports thread. But a thread just to keep track of odd news items that has very little to do with the population as a whole seems silly. Unless of course it deals with the primary subject - the confederate flag.

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The similarity in their names is hinting at the idea that Obama is Muslim, which, to my knowledge, is not a race. For this to be racially charged, it would have to be for the fact that Barack Obama is black. Is there substantial evidence that this is the reason? The article says there's no black members at this church, and one person has the opinion that it's racism. To me, that doesn't solidify the argument. I do believe it's hateful and close-minded, but to say that it's a racial issue because it's an all-white congregation is just as close-minded and hateful. I don't believe that churches should engage in such influence and remarks, especially ones that are baseless, but that's not the reason for this thread is it?

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The purpose of this topic, IMO, is to discuss different aspects of the Confederate flag in South Carolina, be it the one flying on the State House grounds or in the yards of people some regard, in some cases rightfully and in others maybe not, as rednecks. It is a huge stretch to link that church's sign with the Confederate flag, unless the latter is concluded to be a radical fundamentalist Christian racist symbol and only a radical fundamentalist Christian racist symbol.

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This issue is not one of racism, its one of religion and religious tolerance. South Carolina, the Upstate, and Union County are well known for their status as part of the Bible belt, and we all know the media loves any story that makes SC look bad, so this is a twofer. If you think this is only about race then its a threefer.

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  • 2 months later...

I feel that South Carolina is perpetually locked in the days of racism as can been seen by the website of one of the State Senators, Kevin Bryant. See here. Bryant, I believe, is from the SC upstate.

I wonder if Bryant has any one following Islam or who is Black in his district?

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^Actually, since I posted the above, all the local 6PM news programs in Charlotte are all reporting this story. It makes news because, as they put it, its on the website of a State Senator from the Upstate of SC. I assume you will be writing them a letter.

It has also appeared on the Huffington Post which I assume means it will be picked up by some of the national political news programs. See here.

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^Actually, since I posted the above, all the local 6PM news programs in Charlotte are all reporting this story. It makes news because, as they put it, its on the website of a State Senator from the Upstate of SC. I assume you will be writing them a letter.

It has also appeared on the Huffington Post which I assume means it will be picked up by some of the national political news programs. See here.

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