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proof of extraterrestrials?


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here is an interesting clip form UFO hunters that talks about Bob Lazar's claim of working at a base called "S4" in the Area 51 complex in 1989. Bob Lazar claimed he helped backengineer extraterrestial craft. In order to take his story seriously, he has to be a credible person. Bob Lazar claimed that he was a scientist at Los Alamos in New Mexico before he worked at Area 51. skeptics claim Bob is a fraud because when they checked into his claim of working at Los Alamos, they found out he didnt work there. Los Alamos research facility claimed that not only did Bob never work there, they never heard of him. It was later found out that he was indeed a scientist at Los Alamos when his name was found in an old directory. Its a very interesting story. Bob Lazar said that when he first entered the facilty and saw the extraterstrial craft, He thought it was just an advance military craft and that this was what people had being seeing all these years. It really sank in when he entered the craft that is was extraterrestrial and said it was a very "ominous" feeling. He was later briefed on the whole project which revealed that the craft was indeed extraterrestrial and that its occupants where from the star system Zeta Reticuli. Lazar said that from the material he read, extraterrestrial have been visiting earth for thousands of years (which would explain why ancient man spoke of gods, angels, ect coming down from the sky). He also stated that extraterrestrials had given man 65 genetic upgrades. (what a way to shake up the church if this were public knowledge!) Today some scientists are finding out that some elements in our DNA structure doesnt appear to be terrestrial. Its been called "junk DNA". In regards to the craft Bob stated that it was powered by element 115. Element 115 does not occur naturally on earth and was only synthetically created just recently back around 2003. When a reaction happens in the craft, element 115 changes to 116 and then it rapidly decays. when that happens it produces an enormous amount of energy, enough to affect gravity and space time. For those who still that this is bogus science, its interessting to note that shortly after Russian scientists "publicly" discovered Element 115 around 2003, the Boing Corporation publicly stated that it was working on aircraft powered by anti-gravity propulsion....sound familiar? The interesting thing is that Boeing said it was following up on research done by Russian scientists and it just so happens that Russian scientists discovered element 115. I think these revelations add credibilty to the story Bob Lazar told back in 1989. Todays scientists know very little about gravity. We still don't know what causes it. Lazar claimed that what they found is that there are two types of gravity. The first is the gravity that we are all familiar with. It keeps us on the ground. The second type of gravity is at the atomic level. It is this type of gravity that UFOs tap into which helps give it its own gravitational field. When a craft produces its own gravitational field, occupants inside are not affected by ineartia when the craft stops on a dime or make right angle turns. Anthor interesting thing to note is that Bob Lazar had pay stubs from the department of Naval intelligence. Its interesting because for decades its been rumored that the Navy has played a big role in UFOs. An addition Bob Lazar has passed lie dector tests.

here is a news link talking about Boeing efforts in creating anti-gravity propulsion. Keep in mind, if you can master anti-gravity propulsion, you can master travelling vast distances in space in a short time because when you alter gravity, you alter space and you alter time. We already know that to be true. When you can master these things, suddenly what was once science fiction becomes science fact.

"Boeing, the world’s largest aircraft manufacturer, has admitted it is working on experimental anti-gravity projects that could overturn a century of conventional aerospace propulsion technology if the science underpinning them can be engineered into hardware"


here is the Bob Lazar clip

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The question is will Obama be briefed on the UFO reality? and if so will his administration disclose it to the public? Some of his statements may answer that question. Here is what Obama said in regards to a transparent government:

Then of course there are the "webbots" that have accurately predicted the future. They have been so accurate in their predictions, a documentary about them was created for the History Channel. A recent prediction being that Obama will disclose the truth about UFOs in 2009 and that NASA "secrets" will be revealed through a whistle blower sometime this years as well. And is it a coincidence that Barack Obama will be president during the December 21, 2012 date? The ancients believe that this date doesn't necessarily mean the end of the world but will be a "new age" or "new beginning". Its the date that some ancients believed that their "gods" would return to the people of the earth.

Well, it's now 2010.

Thanks for all your contributions in this thread, cityboi. It makes for a very interesting read and I've never heard of 1/2 this stuff before. It's really interesting.

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You are welcome. I dont think this will ever be disclosed unless the government has no choice or unless ET make themselves known on a mass scale. If they are coming here, they have their own motives for hiding thier presence. There are just too many implications that would change life as we know it. Honestly, I don think they want to hide that fact the ET exists because poll after poll shows that 50% of the population believes we are being visited be extraterrestrials. I think it has more to do with the reason they are coming and its relationship to who we really are. The government(s) are terrified to reveal that. How do you explain to the people that ET not only has been coming here for thousands of years but has had a hand in us being here and has made genetic upgrades to our DNA? (which explains evolution and sheds a little light on alien abductions and thier "genetic experimentation") You just cant tell the people that. How do you tell people that life as we know it has been an illusion? Plus there are economic implications. Introducing a highly advanced technology too soon would upset the economic order. There would also be panic. We all say we are ready for ET to come but honestly I think we would be terrified if we came face to face with a human like being that wasn't human. These encounters have been recorded thoughout human history and some accounts sound exactly like modern day UFO sightings. Soldiers from the 15th century described seeing "silver shields" flying rapidly through the skies. Thousands of years ago an Asian emperor described seeing a flying "earthen vessel" high in the sky. An earthen vessel is another name for "saucer". In the Bible Ezekiel sees "glowing" "metal" "wheels" in the sky with "humanlike" "creatures" inside them. He even says the wheels moved like flashes of lightening back and forth. Yes the Bible says this and there is even a Christian hymn about "Ezekiels wheels". I dont think the reality of ET will sink in until the president of the United States makes an annoucenment that we are being visited. I think part of the reason many have a hard time believing this is because they really dont want to know. We fear the unknown. There is an old saying "ignorance is bliss" Just maybe thats the case in regards to UFOs. DO we really want to know the truth? We have to ask ourselves why the government would do anything it takes to keep it under wraps. But the exisitance of ET isnt far fetched. Afterall we exist and we exist im sure there are others out there as well. The univerese is HUGE. Look at our solar system. If we were going to the planet Pluto from Earth at 100 miles per hour, it would take 3,000 years to get there. Our galaxy has billions of stars. In fact our own galaxy is so big, it takes light 100,000 years to cross it. There are billion of other galaxies out there the size of own and they are millions of light years a part. Our minds can't even begin to comprehend the size of the universe. When we look up at the stars, we are looking back at the past. We are looking at light from a billion years ago. That being said, the odds are that ET is out there. And the odds are the some of those ETs out there are more advanced than we are and have found loopholes in getting from one part of the universe to another.

It makes you wonder when you see ancient cave art like this. Looks a lot like a UFO sucking up humans and cattle.





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Interesting segment regarding a government cover-up on UFOs. Its also interesting to note that today the U.S. government doesnt comment on UFOs. The government doesnt even say they are not real. They neither confirm or deny the existance of UFOs and that should tell people something right there.

amazing testimonies from the romans thousands of years ago. In the 20th century we used the word "saucer" but it seems during the time before the birth of Christ it was common to call them flying "shields". To me these accounts confirm thier existance because the same exact things were reported thousands of years ago.

more quotes:

ca. 1290 AD--Yorkshire, England

"A large round silver thing like a disk flew slowly over them and excited the greatest terror."

-From a report written by monks at the Byland Abbey in Yorkshire


December 5, 1577--Tubingen, Germany

"[Objects came out of the clouds] resembling large, tall and wide hats and they landed in great numbers and in a variety of colours."

-This quote comes from Pierre Boaistuan's 1594 book, chronicling strange happenings.


On the morning of January 22, 1878 John Martin, a farmer living six miles south of Denison, Texas spotted a fast moving dark object high in the southern sky. When it passed overhead, he saw that it was the size of a 'large saucer' It continued on its way and was soon lost to view. In recounting the event, a local newspaper remarked, 'Mr. Martin is a gentleman of undoubted veracity and this strange occurrence, if it was not a balloon, deserves the attention of our scientists'- Dennison Daily News, Jan 25, 1878.

1180 Japan, Kii province: A term equivalent to our "flying saucer" was actually used by the Japanese approximately 700 years before it came into use in the West. Ancient documents describe an unusual shining object seen in the night as a flying "earthenware vessel." The object, which had been heading northeast from a mountain in Kii province, changed its direction and vanished below the horizon, leaving a luminous trail.

1200 England: William of Newburgh describes a silvery, flat, shiny disc-like object, which appeared near the abbey and frightened everyone near it.

1361 Japan: A flying object described as being "shaped like a drum, about twenty feet in diameter" emerged from the inland sea off the western Japanese coast.

Grooved stone discs found in caves on the Chinese-Tibetan border tell of an extraterrestrial race called the Dropas whose spacecraft fell to Earth 12,000 years ago.

The ancient Hopi Indians have inhabited three large mesas in northern Arizona for over a thousand years. Their legends refer to aerial vehicles from the constelation Orion. Interstingly the Great Pyrmids of Giza on the otherside of the planet were arranged to match the 3 stars of Orion as they appeared in 10,500 BC. Thats the time frame of when the ancient Chinese said the Dropas came to earth in their craft.

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This seven page document (part of the MJ-12 documents) by the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit begins by saying "...the extraordinary recovery of fallen airborne objects in the State of New Mexico between 4 July and 6 July 1947." (in referece to the Roswell crash in July of 1947) That's the subject, and it goes on to state what the coordinates are, and other fascinating details of the recovery operations and discoveries. The most interesting being the discovery and basic detailed appearance of several bodies that were taken to the hospital at Roswell AAF and other near by hospitals (listed, but not disclosed for security reasons). The conclusion arrived at by the team of experts was unclear because of the limitations of contemporary science and appropriate budgets for future investigation. Skeptics say this document is a hoax. Clearly thats an easy claim to make because of the extraordinary event. One thing to note is that the type font is consistant with that of 1940s type writers. Remember, the army base in Roswell first put out a report that they found a crashed flying saucer. It made front page news. Then something happened and the Army backed off the story and said it was a weather balloon. Another interesting fact is that a few generals mentioned in these documents were in Roswell New Mexico in the time frame. Researchers confirmed that when they sought flight records which showed they were in Roswell. Another interesting fact is that a few generals mentioned in these documents were in Roswell New Mexico in the time frame. Researchers confirmed that when they sought flight records which showed they were in Roswell. The crash of a top secret project Mogul balloon would not have required General Nathan Twining to get on a plane from Ohio and fly all the way to Roswell, New Mexico. The document mentions our first secretary of defense James Forrestal being briefed on the discoveries at Roswell. Later in time he was admitted into a Navy hospital for depression and mysteriously he died. The government says that James Forrestal committed suicide.


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cover page of the alleged Majestic 12 manual (1950s) One thing that reveals that the MJ-12 documents are real is that there are many details in the documents that werent known back in 1984 when they surfaced. That indicates that documents came from an inside government source.





1. Scope

This manual has been prepared especially for Majestic-12 units. Its purpose is to present all aspects of Majestic-12 so authorized personnel will have a better understanding of the Goals of the Group, be able to more expertly deal with Unidentified Flying Objects, Extraterrestrial Technology and Entities, and increase the efficiency of future operations.

2. General

MJ-12 takes the subject of UFOBs, Extraterrestrial Technology, and Extraterrestrial Biological Entities very seriously and considers the entire subject to be a matter of the very highest national security. For that reason everything relating to the subject has been assigned the very highest security classification. Three main points will be covered in this section. a. The general aspects of MJ-12 to clear up any misconceptions that anyone may have.

b. The importance of the operations.

c. The need for absolute secrecy in all phases of operation.

3. Security Classification

All information relating to MJ-12 has been classified MAJIC EYES ONLY and carries a security level 2 points above that of Top Secret. The reason for this has to do with the consequences that may arise not only from the impact upon the public should the existence of such matters become general knowledge, but also the danger of having such advanced technology as has been recovered by the Air Force fall into the hands of unfriendly foreign powers. No information is released to the public press and the official government position is that no special group such as MJ-12 exists.

4. History of the Group

Operation Majestic-12 was established by special classified presidential order on 24 September 1947 at the recommendation of Secretary of Defense James V. Forrestal an Dr. Vannevar Bush, Chairman of the Joint Research an Development Board. Operations are carried out under a Top Secret Research and Development - Intelligence Group directly responsible only to the President of the United States. The goals of the MJ-12 Group


are as follows:

a. The recovery for scientific study of all materials and devices of a foreign or extraterrestrial manufacture that may become available. Such material and devices will be recovered by any and all means deemed necessary by the Group.

b. The recovery for scientific study of all entities and remains of entities not of terrestrial origin which may become available through independent action by those entities or by misfortune or military action.

c. The establishment and administration of Special Teams to accomplish the above operations.

d. The establishment and administration of special secure facilities located at secret locations within the continental borders of the United States for the receiving, processing, analysis, and scientific study of any and alls material and entities classified as being of extraterrestrial origin by the Group or the Special Teams.

e. Establishment and administration of covert operations to be carried out in concert with Central Intelligence to effect the recovery for the United States of extraterrestrial technology and entities which may come down inside the territory of or fall into the possession of foreign powers.

f. The establishment and maintenance of absolute top secrecy concerning all the above operations.

5. Current Situation

It is considered as far as the current situation is concerned, that there are few indications that these objects and their builders pose a direct threat to the security of the United States, despite the uncertainty as to their ultimate motives in coming here. Certainly the technology possessed by these beings far surpasses anything known to modern science, yet their presence here seems to be benign, and they seem to be avoiding contact with our species, at least for the present. Several dead entities have been recovered along with a substantial amount of wreckage and devices from downed craft, all of which are now under study at various locations. No attempt has been made by extraterrestrial entities either to contact authorities or to recover their dead counterparts or the downed craft, even though one of the crashes was the result of direct military action. The greatest threat at this time arises from the acquisition and study of such advanced technology by foreign powers unfriendly to the United States. It is for this reason that the recovery and study of this type of material by the United States has been given such a high priority.

Die UFOs

9. Description of Craft

Documented extraterrestrial craft (UFOBs) are classified in one of four categories based on general shape, as follows:

a. Elliptical, or disc shape. This type of craft is of metallic construction and dull aluminium in color. They have the appearance of two pie-pans or shallow dishes pressed together and may have a raised dome on the top or bottom. No seams or joints are visible on the surface, giving the impression of one-piece construction. Discs are estimated from 50-300 feet in diameter and the thickness is approximately 15 per cent of the diameter, not including the dome, which is 30 per cent of the disc diameter and extends another 4-6 feet above the main body of the disc. The dome may or may not include windows or ports, and ports are present around the lower rim of the disc in some instances. Most disc-shaped craft are equipped with lights on the top and bottom, and also around the rim. These lights are not visible when the craft is at rest or not functioning. There are generally no visible antenna or projections. Landing gear consists of three extendible legs ending in circular landing pads. When fully extended this landing gear supports the main body 2-3 feet above the surface at the lowest point. A rectangular hatch is located along the equator or on the lower surface of the disc.

b. Fuselage or cigar shape. Documented reports of this type of craft are extremely rare. Air Force radar reports indicate they are approximately 2 thousand feet long and 95 feet thick, and apparently they do not operate in the lower atmosphere. Very little information is available on the performance of these craft, but radar reports have indicated speeds in excess of 7,000 miles per hour. They do not appear to engage in the violent and erratic maneuvers associated with the smaller types.

c. Ovoid or circular shape. This type of craft is desribed as being shaped like an ice cream cone, being rounded at the large end and tapering to a near-point at the other end. They are approximately 30-40 feet long and the thick end diameter is approximately 20 per cent of the length. There is an extremely bright light at the pointed end, and this craft usually travels point down. They can appear to be any shape from round to cylindrical, depending upon the angle of observation. Often sightings of this type of craft are elliptical craft seen at an inclined angle or edge-on.

d. Airfoil or triangular shape. This craft is believed to be new technology due to the rarity and recency of the observations. Radar indicates an isosceles triangle profile, the longest side being nearly 300 feet in length. Little is known about the performance of these craft due to the rarity of good sightings, but they are believed capable of high speeds and abrupt maneuvers similar to or exceeding the performance attributed to types "a" and "c".

Die Außerirdischen

10. Description of Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs)

Examination of remains recovered from wreckage of UFOBs indicates that Extraterrestrial Biological Entities may be classified into two distinct categories as follows:

a. EBE Type I. These entities are humanoid and might be mistaken for human beings of the Oriental race if seen from a distance. They are bi-pedal, 5-5 feet 4 inches in height and weigh 80-100 pounds. Proportionally they are similar to humans, although the cranium is somewhat larger and more rounded. The skin is a pale, chalky-yellow in color, thick, and slightly pebbled in appearance. The eyes are small, wide-set, almond-shaped, with brownish-black irises with very large pupils. The whites of the eyes are not like that of humans, but have a pale gray cast. The ears are small and set low on the skull. The nose is thin and long, and the mouth is wider than in humans, and nearly lipless. There is no apparent facial hair and very little body hair, that being very fine and confined to the underarm and the groin area. The body is thin and without apparent body fat, but the muscles are well-developed. The hands are small, with four long digits but no opposable thumb. The outside digit is jointed in a manner as to be nearly opposable, and there is no webbing between the fingers as in humans. The legs are slightly but noticeably bowed, and the feet are somewhat splayed and proportionally large.

b. EBE Type II. These entities are humanoid but differ from Type I in many respects. They are bi-pedal, 3 feet 5 inches - 4 feet 2 inches in height and weigh 25-50 pounds. Proportionally, the head is much larger than humans or Type I EBEs, the cranium being much larger and elongated. The eyes are very large, slanted, and nearly wrap around the side of the skull. They are black with no whites showing. There is no noticeable brow ridge, and the skull has a slight peak that runs over the crown. The nose consists of two small slits which sit high above the slit-like mouth. There are no external ears. The skin is a pale bluish-gray color, being somewhat darker on the back of the creature, and is very smooth and fine-celled. There is no hair on either the face or the body, and these creatures do not appear to be mammalian. The arms are long in proportion to the legs, and the hands have three long, tapering fingers and a thumb which is nearly as long as the fingers. The second finger is thicker than the others, but not as long as the index finger. The feet are small and narrow, and four toes are joined together with a membrane.

It is not definitely known where either type of creature originates, but it seems certain that they did not evolve on earth. It is further evident, although not certain, that they may have originated on two different planets.

Die Technologie

11. Description of Extraterrestrial Technology

The following information is from preliminary analysis reports of wreckage collected from crash sites of extraterrestrial craft 1947-1953, excerpts from which are qouted verbatim to provide guidance as to the type and characteristics of material that might be encountered in future recovery operations.

a. Initial analysis of the debris from the crash site seems to indicate that the debris is that of an extraterrestrial craft which exploded from within and came into contact with the ground with great force, completely destroying the craft. The volume of matter indicates that the craft was approximately the size of a medium aircraft, although the weight of the debris indicates that the craft was extremely light for its size.

b. Metallurgical analysis of the bulk of the debris recovered indicates that the samples are not composed of any materials currently known to Terrestrial science.

c. The material tested possesses great strength and resistance to heat in proportion to its weight and size, being stronger by far than any materials used in military or civilian aircraft at present.

d. Much of the material, having the appearance of aluminium foil or aluminium magnesium sheeting, displays none of the characteristics of either metal, resembling instead some kind of unknown plastic-like material.

e. Solid structures and substantial beams having a distinct similarity in appearance to very dense grain-free wood, was very light in weight and possesses tensile and compression strength not obtainable by any means known to modern industry.

f. None of the material tested displayed measurable magnetic characteristics or residual radiation.

g. Several samples were engraved or embossed with marks and patterns. These patterns were not readily identifiable and attempts to decipher their meaning has been largely unsuccessful.

h. Examination of several apparent mechanical devices, gears, etc. revealed little or nothing of their functions or methods of manufacture.

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In regards to Roswell, read the "Theories and Analysis" section in the link below and you'll see that it addresses the governments rediculous claim that what crash in Roswell was a Project Mogul Balloon. There are so many holes in their story. One of the biggest hole is that it has been documented "officially" by our government that it took several planes to haul whatever they picked up in Roswell. Its not going to take several planes to haul away a project Mogul Balloon. Also debris from a Mogul balloon or any balloon for that matter is not going to cover an area the size that has been described by witnesses of the time and today. Secondly if it were a super top secret Mogul Balloon, the Army would not have put out a press release in the frist place that it was a Flying saucer. They should have said that id was just a weather balloon to begin with. Saying its a Flying Saucer would do nothing but draw world wide attention to something thats suppose to be super top secret. Also like I said before, back in the 80s the governemnt's explanation was that it was a top secret Kite experiment from a research group. Keep in mind Project Mogul was indeed a real project but it was declassified in the early 1970s. That being said, the government should have said that it was Project Mogul in the 80s instead of coming up with some rediculous story that it was a Kite. Bottom line, the government is STILL lying about Roswell today. What would our government have in 1947, that would still be so top secret today that they have to continue the lie?


"A clear example of the non-classified, public side of the equipment and project was a scientific article written by three of the Mogul people in December 1947, published in the Journal of Meteorology in May 1948, and titled "Controlled-Altitude Free Balloons." It showed multiple diagrams of the altitude-control equipment used on the Mogul balloon flights, a photo of one of the new polyethylene balloons that replaced the original rubber weather balloons, detailed how the balloons were tracked, and had multiple graphs of some of the flights. The only thing left out was the top-secret purpose of some of the flights, namely listening for distant Soviet A-bomb tests. It is further argued that Mogul records indicate that the military was unconcerned about civilians stumbling across other Mogul balloon crashes, since the components were unclassified and the balloon's top-secret purpose could not be discerned from the debris. One such noted incident from June 8 involved another New Mexico rancher, who immediately notified Alamogordo Air Force Base, which then sent out three men to retrieve the remains of the balloon. This is completely unlike the very large and secretive military response to what rancher Brazel found at his place in early July."

Another interesting article in how "memory metal" created in the 1960s was technology seeded from the Roswell crash. In the 40s witness decribed metal with the same properties of memory metal and there is a link between the lab scientist who came up with it in the 60s and the governments UFO investigation called "Project Blue Book". The wierd thing is that the first progress report in regards to techniques to process the alloy for memory metal was authorized in 1947


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  • 1 month later...

John Lear is a retired airline captain with over 19,000 hours of flight-time and has flown in over 100 different types of planes in 60 different counties around the world.

Son of Lear Jet inventor, Bill Lear, John is the only pilot to hold every FAA airplane certificate, to include airplane transport rating, flight instructor, ground instructor, flight navigator, engineer, aircraft dispatcher, airframe powerplant mechanic, parachute rigger, and tower operator.

He flew secret missions for the CIA in Central and Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa between 1966 and 1983. He has flown as Captain and check pilot for over 10 different airlines. During the late 1980's, John tracked down and found the Army Intelligence Analyst who read, probably by accident, the U.S. government report Grudge 13, which documented the history of the U.S. UFO coverup and details of saucer recoveries, disposition of their occupants, and handling (That's HANDLING) of civilian witnesses. Recently John Lear has made some extremely wild claims based on information from "inside sources" and he says our life as we know it is just an illusion. He believes this is reason for the cover-up. Its not that the government doesnt want us to know ET is real but they are trying to hide the nature of who they really are and the reasons why they are here. Some of the wild claims John has made is pretty hard to swallow but some would also say that truth is often stranger than fiction. Here is a quote from John Lear. Its very entertaining. But based on what John Lear "was told" God had nothing to do with us being here. Certainly if the government believed that to be fact, its the big reason for the cover up. The info John received also supports the idea of reincarnation. Its funny because we all get that feeling as if we have lived before.

Mankind is an alien controlled experiment. All religions were created by the aliens to give us a set of rules and regulations to live by so that we wouldn't hurt ourselves.

The secret government knows about this experiment but is hiding it from us.

This experiment has something to do with the soul. The aliens refer to us as containers. There is a cube on the Moon with an antenna. The antenna sends and receives souls.

If someone dies an unscheduled death the antenna doesn't pick up their soul and the resulting energy remains on Earth as a ghost.

When there is a major disaster like 911 the aliens send down giant soul collectors to recover the souls.

Increase in homosexuality is caused by the cube placing male souls in female bodies and vice versa. This is either by design or there is a fault with the cube.

Mariners are called 'lost souls' because if you die underwater the aliens can't retrieve the soul through water of any depth.

There are 38 levels above top secret. The top level is Majestic 12. The US President does not hold the highest level of secrecy.

Our Moon was towed here and placed in orbit around the Earth by a very large machine. There was a time in the recorded history of man when the Earth had no Moon, and also a time when the Earth had two Moons.

The Moon has an atmosphere which contains clouds.

The Moon does not revolve which proves it is artificial.

The US will not go back to the Moon. Any other country trying to get to the Moon will fail.

US astronauts went to the Moon, saw all the alien machinery and structures and were told to keep silent about it by NASA.

Some of the film footage of the Apollo Moon landings were faked.

John Lear disagrees with Richard C. Hoagland's idea that some secret group is tampering with signals to the Mars rovers. He says it is NASA itself that is doing the tampering.

NASA knows that Venus is a normal planet just like Earth. Venus has beings that are similar to us.

We already have bases on the Moon and Mars but for anyone to go there it is a one way trip because they can't risk anyone coming back and revealing this information.

NASA knows there are spaceships in the rings of Saturn.

If mankind gets too close to discovering the experiment it will be cancelled and started all over again. A sort of cleansing that happens on Earth every 25,000 years.

There are two forms of gravity. Gravity A works on an atomic scale. Gravity B is the type that holds us on the Earth and holds the Earth in orbit around the Sun.

Gravity is instantaneous. We use a gravity phone to talk to the grey aliens who live 1,000 light years away.

Over 1,500 alien abductions occur each day in the US.

The Yellow Book is a government record of all alien crash retrievals.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Does Lockheed already have disc shaped anti-gravity craft up in the skies? Companies like Lockheed and Boieng have contracts with the government. In fact much of the nation's most secretive programs are being controlled by the "private sector". Also the government hired private personel to secure the Area 51 base in Nevada. Its just easier for the government to contract out a lot of their ultra secret projects because for one thing there is less of a government paper trail. Today people are seeing strange craft the fly silently at extreme speeds and can make right angle turns and also stop on a dime. There was a recent case where the FAA admitted that it had recorded unidentified craft in Texas and police officers described seeing craft zip from one part of the sky to another stopping on a dime. This web link talks about a secret government craft developed by Lockheed. According to a number of source, the government has sent "military astronauts" into space with these craft and they are equiped with particle beam weapons. Is this the result of the "Star Wars" program started be President Reagan? And if these technologies exist, does it prove they were back engineered by extraterrestrial craft? Secret government technology is always decades ahead of whats known in the public. Remember Stealth technology was a product of the 1950s and you can bet the government has advanced far beyond that in the past 60 years. In 2003 Boieng even publically stated it was researching into anti-gravity propulsion. Companies like that aren't going to give the idea of anti-gravity propulsion the time of day if there wasnt something to it. I will say this its very interesting that Technology took a fast track after 1947 (Roswell crash)

"It has been said that if the American people knew what the military had in their arsenal today, they wouldn't believe it, and would think someone was fantasizing about a Lucas Star Wars movie episode." Former Lockheed Vice President Ben Rich, who died of Cancer, said before his death that we have things out in the desert more than 50 years ahead of what you and I could imagine. He also stated at a conference just a month before his death that the U.S. government had the technologies for interstellar travel and that it would take an act of God to get these technologies out in the public sector to help benefit humanity. He also confirmed that the government did indeed back engineer extraterrestrial craft.


Im sure the government has come a long way from their saucer experiments in the 1950s and 60s


Here is a picture former Lockheed Vice President Ben Rich "Father of Stealth"

direct quote from Ben Rich:

"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity.... Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do."


more quotes from people who had high positions in government. Considering statements from these very credible people, how can UFOs not be real? It is also confirmed in the quotes below that the primary reason for the cover-up is to prevent the shaking of our foundations (religion) How would people react if they found out that religion was just myths and fairy tales? Society would fall because people would then believe there are no moral consequences for their actions. There would be no such thing as sin. Religion is a form of control to keep the masses in line:

"This 'flying saucer' situation is not at all imaginary or seeing too much in some natural phenomena. Something is really flying around. The phenomenon is something real and not visionary or fictitious."


Chief of Staff, US Air Force

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

"The matter is the most highly classified subject in the U. S. Government, rating higher even than the H-bomb. Flying saucers exist. Their modus operandi is unknown but concentrated effort is being made by a small group headed by Dr. Vannevar Bush. (Majestic 12)"


Canadian scientist

Classified memorandum

November 21, 1950

"These revelations underscore a long, sordid history of governmental and media secrecy and the acquisition of technologies such as microelectronics, anti-gravity propulsion and zero-point, or "free" energy, from our visitors. This massive cover-up has been going on for almost six decades since the UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947, an event which was certainly not caused by balloons, as alleged by the U.S. Air force. Such myths are only accepted by the ignorant or the powerful and their subjects."


Apollo Astronaut

Foreword to Hidden Truth - Forbidden Knowledge, Crossing Point

September 14, 2005

"I've talked with people of stature-of military and government credentials and position-and heard their stories, and their desire to tell their stories openly to the public. And that got my attention very, very rapidly.... The first hand experiences of these credible witnesses that, now in advanced years are anxious to tell their story, we can't deny that, and the evidence points to the fact that Roswell was a real incident, and that indeed an alien craft did crash, and that material was recovered from that crash site."

"The U.S. Government hasn't maintained secrecy regarding UFOs It's been leaking out all over the place. But the way it's been handled is by denial, by denying the truth of the documents that have leaked. By attempting to show them as fraudulent, as bogus of some sort. There has been a very large disinformation and misinformation effort around this whole area. And one must wonder, how better to hide something out in the open than just to say, 'It isn't there. You're deceiving yourself if you think this is true.' And yet, there it is right in front of you. So it's a disinformation effort that's concerning here, not the fact that they have kept the secret. They haven't kept it. It's been getting out into the public for fifty years or more."

"We all know UFOs are real. All we need to ask is where are they from."


Apollo 14 astronaut

(Regarding government cover-up of UFOs)

"That's putting it mildly. We've been lied to and covered up. It was a military rationale 50 years ago. Now it's a bureaucratic morass. I doubt if higher-ups even know what the right answers are."

(Regarding why a cover up at the beginning)

"It would rattle our foundations." (religion)

(Regarding Area 51, the secret military base in Nevada where scientists study crashed alien spacecraft and their crews)

"Was briefed, even recently, by 'old timers' who were there, but I can't say by whom."

(Regarding the Roswell incident, in which aliens, some alive, were recovered after a July 1947 crash)

"It was valid. I've been briefed."


Apollo 14 Astronaut

As reported in the Palm Beach Post

February 10, 2004

"We have indeed been contacted by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government in collusion with other national powers of the Earth is determined to keep this information away from the general public. The purpose of the inter-nation conspiracy concerning the reality of UFOs is to maintain a workable stability amongst the nations of the world, and for them in turn to retain institutional control over their respective populations."

"Thus for governments to admit that there are beings from outer space with mentalities and technological capabilities obviously far superior to ours, could, once fully perceived by the average person, erode the foundations of the Earth’s traditional power structure. Political and legal systems, religions, economic and social institutions could all soon become meaningless in the eyes of the public. The national oligarchical establishments, even civilization as we know it, could collapse into anarchy. Such extreme conclusions are not necessarily valid, but they probably accurately reflect the fears of the ruling classes of most major nations who’s leaders, particularly those in the intelligence business, have always advocated excessive government secrecy as being necessary to preserve national security..."


Former Special Assistant to the

Executive Director of the CIA


"UFO sightings are now so common, the military doesn't have time to worry about them. . .when a UFO appears, they simply ignore it. . .Unconventional targets are ignored because apparently we are only interested in Russian targets, possibly enemy targets. Something that hovers in the air, then shoots off at 5,000 miles per hour, doesn't interest us, because it can't be the enemy. UFOs are picked up by ground and air radar, and they have been photographed by gun camera all along. There are so many UFOs in the sky that the Air Force has had to employ special radar networks to screen them out."


NASA atmospheric physicist

June 7, 1968

"I would do it [aid the Army Air Force in its investigations] but before agreeing to it we must insist upon full access to the discs recovered. For instance in the LA case the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination."


Hand written at bottom of

now declassified memo

"An investigator for the Air Force stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico. They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers. Approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall. Dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots."


FBI Director

Memo to J. Edgar Hoover from the Washington FBI Office

March 22, 1950

Released in 1976 under the FOIA

"What I found was compelling evidence to claim that most of these aerial objects far exceeded the terrestrial technology of the era in which they were seen. I was forced to conclude that there is a great likelihood that Earth is being visited by highly advanced aerospace vehicles under highly 'intelligent' control indeed."


Retired NASA senior research scientist

Ames Research Center

Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science


"When I was at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, we had flying saucers that covered the distance from Columbus to Detroit in the equivalent of about 20,000 miles per hour ... Zero-point energy represents about 40-50 megawatts of power per cubic inch of space. That’s a lot of power. If you could tap it at will, then no one would have to sell gasoline or oil anymore ... Depending on the secrecy level, you have to go through a significant background check. When you do that, if you’re in a very tight compartment, you sign a statement that you will not divulge the existence of the project or even answer a question that could acknowledge the existence of the project. I know people today that worked on one of the things I worked on, and if you asked them about it, they would say, 'No, I have no idea what you’re talking about.' They’re in their seventies now, but they still absolutely would never admit that they even know what you’re talking about. If there were non-earthbound sources of information, the people who were doing the design or analysis work would never have any idea of where it came from."



Professor of Aeronautical Engineering

"I've been convinced for a long time that the flying saucers are real and interplanetary. In other words, we are being watched by beings from outer space."


Deputy Public Relations Director, NASA

Mr Chop said we are being "watched" from visitors from outer space. I find that interesting because biblical scripture talks about beings or angels from the heavens called "the watchers"

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  • 1 month later...

for a brief moment the lid was off the biggest story of the millenia then it was covered up. The Army in Roswell was the one that put out the press release that they captured a "flying saucer" before military personnel higher up the chain put a lid on the story. The government is still lying today because their current story doesn't add up with facts and public records from 1947. There was nothing in 1947 that we had that would have been so advanced we would have to still keep it secret today yet the government today is not being truthful when it says the crash was a Mogul balloon. Actually Mogul balloons crashed all the time and the army didnt seal off the area and threaten residents in those cases. While the mogul mission was top secret, mogul balloons were ordinary material you could get off the shelf. The Mogul missions were declassified in the early 1970s yet it took 20 years after declassification for the government to say what crashed was a Mogul balloon. Then the government tries to explain the bodies a way by saying they were crash dummies. It was pointed out that the government didn't drop dummies until 1953 and then the government altered their story again saying that people were confusing the "mogul crash" event with another event involving dummies in the 1950s. I find it amazing people believe what the government is telling them. It sounds a lot like a youngster telling a fib to his parents. You know when he gets caught in a lie and then he tries to make up another lie to cover that lie up. Usually the second lie is even more unbelievable.

1947 Roswell paper


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  • 3 weeks later...

An interesting article on Yahoo News:


It's an article about a Dominican man, Andrew Armour, who communicates with a sperm whale named "Scar". Armour uses a specific whistle when he gets in the water, and uses it each time. The whales know it's him when they hear his whistles, and they come for a visit. The author of the article used the word remarkable in describing the achievement.

The reason I bring this up in an extraterrestrials thread, is to illustrate the extreme difficulty man would have communicating with aliens from outer space. Whales are mammals. They share our planet. Yet we can't even carry on a meaningful dialog with them.

Aliens most certainly wouldn't be mammals. How in the name of Sam could we possible communicate with them, when we can barely communicate with whales and simians, which are earthly creatures?

btw, there is a thought going around that aliens perhaps might prefer to make contact with whales instead of humans. After all, whales aren't murderous creatures, with organized warfare, and whale-on-whale murders occurring all over the planet every day. If I were an alien I would rather say hello to peaceful whales, than humans.

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You bring up good points. But at the same time we cant assume some extraterrestrial entities would not be capable with communicating with man. The general belief based on all accounts is that these so called extraterrestrials communicate through telepathy. I know most will say thats impossible but consider this...human beings only use 10% of their brains. Makes you wonder what the other 90% is capable of doing. I personally believe that SOME people are gifted with psychic abilities and those people are tapping into the other 90% of their brains. For some reason humans are not evolved enough to take full advantage of our brain power and maybe thats a good thing because spiritually we aren't ready for it. I think we also have to question our own origins. If visitors are coming, are we related to them? If so it would be easier to communicate. Even among the human race we have figured out how to communicate with people who speak totally foreign languages and can translate those languages.

In regards to past visitation, there is evidence all around us. There is an ancient civilization in Africa that made models of a particular star system (home of their gods) that cant even be viewed from the naked eye or through our ground telescopes yet they have models showing precise placements of the star and planets in scale of the star system. These models were only recently confirmed through the Hubble telescope. You know what that means...there are only two possibilities. Either ancient humans were capable of star travel and had advanced telescopes they sent into space or we have been visited and ancients were told this information. There seems to be more evidence for the latter. Its evidence like this that is overlooked by scientists and the main stream media. I see why its so easy to keep UFOs and ETs a secret. If something is too weird for our logic, we ignore it.

Here is a website that points out some interesting things about the Great Pyramids.


Its interesting to note that NASA teams have been reported at excavation sites over the years so why would NASA be interested in the excavations in Egypt? Are they expecting to find buried extraterrestrial artifacts or Egyptian gods (alien mummies). Could it be that there is an extraterrestrial connection? I'm not saying aliens built the Pyramids but the knowledge and methods to build them is questionable and if we have been visited in the past we could have been helped. Even today our modern technology cant replicate them. Ancient Arabian legends say that the Great Pyramids were built by the biblical Saurid Also known as Enoch (Noah's grandfather). Even the ancient Egyptians referred to the Great Pyramids as the “Pillar of Enoch“ .According to the Arabian legends, the pyramids were built to preserve all knowledge of mankind. According to the Bible, Enoch was "taken to heaven" walked with God and learned the secrets of the universe. If Enoch built the great pyramid, did he incorporate some of that knowledge into the Great Pyramid? Now its widely believed that the Great Pyramid was built for Khufu but there are no hieroglyphics in the Great Pyramids and nothing that proves the Great Pyramid was built for Khufu. There may be some evidence that the Great Pyramid complex is much older than believed. The base of the Sphinx has (rain) water erosion. The last time the Giza region had significant rainfall was around 12,000 years ago, long before the rise of the Egyptians. Its interesting because the Giza complex is laid out to match the 3 stars of the constellation of Orion as it appeared in 10,500 BC which coincidently is about 12,000 years ago. There is more evidence which suggests that the Sphinx was built before the rise of the Egyptians. If you look at the Sphinx, the head is too small for the lion's body. It is believed that the Sphinx originally had the head of a lion and the Egyptians later carved up the lion head in the image of Khufu. That would explain why the head is not proportionate with the body. I think the Great Pyramids tells us a profound story about our past and one day we will understand the meaning of the Great Pyramids of Giza because they were not built as tombs and there also seem to be some biblical connections to the Great Pyramids. it has been said that the past, present and future has been encoded in the Great Pyramid.

(The Holy Bible) Jer.32:20:

God has set signs and wonders

in the land of Egypt, even to this day

(The Holy Bible) Isaiah19:19

In that day there shall be an altar to the Lord

in the midst of Egypt, and a monument at the

border there of to the Lord. And it shall be for

a sign,and a witness to the Lord of Hosts in

the land of Egypt.

This passage describes the location of the Great Pyramid exactly. The Pyramid sits in the center of Egypt and on the border of upper and lower Egypt. If this fact is not convincing enough of the scriptural significance of this structure, consider the following; When the Hebrew letters from Isaiah 19:19 describing the Lord's monument are added together, the sum is 5,449. This is the exact height, in inches, of the Great Pyramid. These inches are the standard of linear measurement encoded within the Great Pyramid itself. It should be interesting to note that the stone sarcophagus in the King's Chamber of the Great pyramids precisely matches the dimensions of the box that held the Ark of the covenant (box for the Ten Commandments) The King's Chamber itself precisely matches the dimensions of "The Holy of Holies" in King Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem (The room that once stored the Ark of the Covenant)

Josephus writes in The Antiquities of the Jews 1.2.3:

"The children of Seth also were the inventors of that peculiar sort of wisdom which is concerned with the heavenly bodies, and their order. And that their inventions might not be lost before they were sufficiently known, upon Adam's prediction that the world was to be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and at another time by the violence and quantity of water, they made two pillars; the one of brick, the other of stone: they inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be destroyed by the flood, the pillar of stone might remain, and exhibit those discoveries to mankind; and also inform them that there was another pillar of brick erected by them. Now this remains in the land of Siriad (old name for Egypt) to this day."

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ancient aliens/astronauts



ancient drawings on the rock depict "star people" which look very similar to the typical grey alien with the big head and big eyes.



A group of anthropologists working with hill tribes in a remote area of India have made a startling discovery: Intricate prehistoric cave paintings depicting aliens and UFO type craft. The images were found in the Hoshangabad district of the state of Madhya Pradesh only 70 kilometers from the local administrative centre of Raisen. The caves are hidden deep within dense jungle.

A clear image of what might be an alien or ET in a space suit can be seen in one cave painting along with a classical flying saucer shaped UFO that appears to be either beaming something down or beaming something up, in what might be an ancient UFO abduction scenario. A force-field or trail of some sort is seen at the rear of the UFO. Local Archaeologist, Mr Wassim Khan, has personally seen the images. He claims that the objects and creatures seen in them are totally anomalous and out of character when compared to other, already discovered, examples of prehistoric cave art depicting ancient life in the area. As such he believes that they might suggest beings from other planets have been interacting with humans since prehistoric times: Adding weight to the 'ancient astronaut theory' which postulates that human civilization was established with the assistance of benevolent space-faring aliens.


ancient cave art in Australia.......look famailiar?



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The most obvious evidence, which will send chills down your back!, is in part 8 of the documentary above around the 9:00 mark. The prehistoric rock art in Australia clearly shows beings that look identical to the "grey aliens" and drawn next to them are CLEARY saucer shaped objects with domes on the top! Coincidence? I think not. The dome above the saucer shaped object hasy rays coming out indicating that the object is glowing like modern day description of UFOs. Most ancient civilizions used more symbolic drawings which could be interpreted as being just about anything but here is a case that can't be disputed.


these drawing are in the same cave next to the drawings above



ok now compare modern day descriptions of aliens and UFO to the prehistoric cave art



again here is prehistoric cave art in India which shows a strange being with a saucer shaped object in the sky. The image is cut off but if you were looking at the entire drawing, you would see spheres of light coming out of the saucer hovering above the ground and just below the spheres are spirals on the ground just like crop circles. Its intersting because in todays time people have reporting seeing glowing spheres in the sky at night and the next morning near the sighting locations there are crop circles on the ground.


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^^ to my eye, picture #1 resembles moths in flight, more than Grey's faces......perhaps moths landing on a round flower. :dontknow:

The last picture (of the Indian cave) is a stunning work of art. Even if ancient peoples weren't trying to depict aliens, you still have to be awed by their work. To me, the last pic seems the best candidate for alien representation.

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Reported in the May 8, 2010 Science News: Obama leaves the moon off his new road map for NASA . The article says NASA will forgo sending astronauts "back" to the moon, and instead send astronauts to an asteroid.

Okay here we go again~~~~still bringing back the unsolved questions. Did we even go to the moon in the first place (in the 60s and 70s)? or was man warned away from the moon by extraterrestrial beings?

Is man even capable of going to, and walking on the moon? I'm not convinced. I'm also not convinced that man wasn't told in no uncertain terms to stay away (?)

C'mon something's going on here. Just doesn't make any sense. If you're planning on going into space, you need to colonize the moon first! How hard is that to figure out?

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I think clearly there is something NASA is not telling us, whether you think we never went to the moon or if aliens told us to stay off the moon. Something is not right. Why did they build the international space station instead of using the moon as a station? Its a natural satellite and could have served the purpose. It would have been cheaper too because rocket missions cost less than shuttle misisons, a big reason they are retiring the space shuttle.

BTW I dug this up...its the press conference back in 1997 when the Airforce gave its explanation of Roswell. I had to laugh because the reporters mentioned that people saw aliens put into bodies bags and ambulances taken away and the Airforce said they were "probably" dummies and they needed bodies bags to protect them. Oh yeah while they are at it, have ambulances take them away. Lets not forget the airforce officially said at the conference that dummies were first dropped in 1953. The Roswell incident happened in 1947. Whether you believe aliens crashed at Roswell or not, clearly the government is lying today about what happened and you have to ask yourself what could have happened more than 60 years ago that would cause the military to lie about it til this very day? I also laugh because the general at the conference said his "knees were shaking" after being asked a tough question...why is he nervous? He was clearly flustered. To me this guy comes off as being like a used car salesman trying to sell bull _ _ _ _. But one thing everyone needs to note. Project Mogul was HIGHLY TOP SECRET, yet the object crashed in the Roswell desert SIX DAYS before the milItary was alerted by locals. Its was as if what ever crashed there, the military didnt even know about it. Its not going to take the military 6 days to track a fallen super top secret balloon especially since the crash site is visible for miles from the sky. In addition miltary radar would have been tracking the path of Mogul and if it had fallen, they would have known where it crashed and would have alerted the Roswell army base immediately to guard the crash site. Over the years, the military has built craft that were dropped from the sky and resemble "flying saucers" not a bad cover-up strategy because then you can say ah ha! thats what people saw.

another image of the ancient rock art in australia. One of them shows the head on a body so in this photo, they don't look like moths in flight.





This is an image from a book published in 1803 which tells the story of a "metal ship" landing in Asia. According to the explanation in the drawing, the outershell was made of iron and glass. Guess what its shaped like?


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^^ I agree---- NASA has essentially become a disinformation agency.

NASA has joined many other governmental entities in becoming a completely unreliable source for the truth.

Well you know what they say NASA mean?

Never A Straight Answer.

here is more old and ancient art regarding UFOs.

This painting (1486) is of the virgin Mary when she just found out she was pregnant with Jesus. Notice in the sky there is a "disk" shaped object and its shining a beam of light on Mary. What is the artist trying to tell us?


For some odd reason many historical religious painting show what appear to be UFOs in the sky. Here is another one (from 1350) showing Jesus being crucified and above Jesus there are strange aircraft.



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Here is an interview from a man named Bob Lazar who worked for the U.S. government in the late 1980s. Bob Lazar claimed that he worked at a top secret installation in the Area 51 complex called "S-4". There are only 3 options here. Either he is lying, he is a government disinformation agent, or he is telling the truth. You be the judge.

One incident happened in 1952 when "flying saucers" were reported over the Capitol Building in Washington, DC. The airforce sent a jet to check it out. The government later stated they may have been birds. These images were taken by newspaper photographers and put on front pages around the country. I must say they dont look like birds to me. Birds don't glow and the objects in the photos appear to be too large for its distance. You can tell by using the capitol building as a point of reference and the objects go behind the building. Its also odd that the military was alarmed over what was suppose to be "birds". The government had another explanation as well. Air Force Major General John Samford held a well-attended press conference at the Pentagon on July 29, 1952. . Samford declared that the visual sightings over Washington could be explained as misidentified aerial phenomena (such as stars or meteors). Samford also stated that the radar-visual reports could be explained by temperature inversion, which was present in the air over Washington on both nights the radar returns were reported. If you look at the photos taken by the press below, you'll see they do not look like stars.


From the Washington Post in 1952

"Military secrecy veils an investigation of the mysterious, glowing aerial objects that showed up on radar screens in the Washington area Saturday night for the second consecutive week. A jet pilot sent up by the Air Defense Command to investigate the objects reported he was unable to overtake the glowing lights moving near Andrews Air Force Base.

The CAA reported reported the objects traveled at "predominantly lower levels"-about 1700 feet. July 19. Air Force spokesmen said yesterday only that an investigation was being made into the sighting of the objects on the radar screen in the CAA Air Route Traffic Control Center at Washington National Airport, and on two other radar screens.

Methods of the investigations were classified as secret, a spoken said.

"We have no evidence they are flying saucers; conversely we have no evidence they are not flying saucers. We don't know what they are," a spokesman added.

The same source reported an expert from the Air Technical Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton Ohio, was here last week investigating the objects sighted July 19.

The expert has been identified as Capt. E. J. Ruppelt. Reached by telephone at his home in Dayton yesterday, Ruppelt said he could make no comment on his activity in Washington. Capt. Ruppelt confirmed he was in Washington last week but said he had not come here to investigate the mysterious objects. He recalled he did make an investigation after hearing of the objects, but could not say what he investigated.

Another Air Force spokesman said here yesterday the Air Force is taking all steps necessary to evaluate the sightings.

"The intelligence people," this spokesman explained, "sent someone over to the control center at the time of the sightings and did whatever necessary to make the proper evaluation. Asked whether the radar equipment might have been mis-functioning, the spokesman said, "radar, like the compass is not a perfect instrument and is subject to error."

He thought, however, the investigation would be made by persons acquainted with the problems of radar.

Two other radar screens in the area picked up the objects. An employee of the National Airport control tower said the radar scope there picked up very weak "blips" of the objects. The tower radar's for "short range" and is not so powerful as that at the center. Radar at Andrews Air Force Base also registered the objects from about seven miles south of the base.

A traffic control center spokesman said the nature of the signals on the radar screen ruled out any possibility they were from clouds or any other "weather" disturbance.

"The returns we received from the unidentified objects were similar and analagous to targets representing aircraft in flight," he said.

The objects,

"flying saucer or what have you, appeared on the radar scope at the airport center at 9:08 PM. Varying from 4 to 12 in number, the objects appeared on the screen until 3:00 AM., when they disappeared. At 11:25 PM., two F-94 jet fighters fro Air Defense Command squadron, at New Castle Delaware, capable of 600 hundred mph speeds, took off to investigate the objects. Airline, civil and military pilots described the objects as looking like the lit end of a cigarette or a cluster of orange and red lights.

One jet pilot observed 4 lights in the vicinity of Andrews Air Force Base, but was not able to over-take them, and they disappeared in about two minutes. The same pilot observed a steady white light in the vicinity of Mt Vernon at 11:49 PM. The light, about 5 miles from him, faded in a minute.

The lights were also observed in the Beltsville, MD., vicinity. At 1:40 AM two-other F-94 jet fighters took off and scanned the area until 2:20 AM., but did not make any sightings "


Here is what we DO know. These aren't birds because birds don't glow, they aren't stars, they aren't military craft performing secret test, (if it were a secret test of some sort, it would have been declassified years later and would not be secret today). We also know these objects werent craft from other countries. If you rule out all natural phenomena and our own aircraft, that only leaves one explanation.


Here is the unedited film from 1952


Here is a photo of an alleged "grey alien" There are countless photos out there (hoaxes) of these so called aliens but is it possible that among them is a genuine photo? The photo below is the most realistic I've ever seen and you can almost feel it staring back at you unlike most other photos of so called aliens. It looks organic and not made of clay, rubber or plastic. If its a hoax, its a good hoax and the person that made this needs to have a job in hollywood. But there is the possibility this may not be a hoax ;) If real, you can understand why this is being covered up. There would be mass panic and if most people confronted an entity like below, they would be terrified


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Heck no, those aren't birds!

The flying saucers over Washington, D.C. in 1952 is one of the least publicized UFO events of all time. And it's certainly one of the most important sightings---- obviously since it happened over the U.S. government's most important buildings.

Of course the government isn't going to tell the truth. But one thing we know for sure is that President Eisenhower firmly believed in the existence of extraterrestrial craft/beings. Perhaps the UFOs over D.C. happened under Truman's watch (1952).

We also can't forget about the Battle of Los Angeles, something the government kept so quiet that I didn't find out about it until recent years.

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The amazing thing as that this along with the "Battle of LA" actually happened and those events happened in fron of the public yet people just cant believe it. I think even if the government admitted it, people still wouldn't believe because in many people's minds the idea of extraterestrial visting earth is so unbelievable. However poll after poll shows that more than 50% of the population believes UFOs are real and that the government isnt telling everything it knows about them. People say how can the government keep a secret this big and the answer to that is that they havent kept it secret. There are whistle blowers everwhere like Bob Lazar and credible people such as astronauts, former NASA officials, ect. The problem is that when the secret is leaked, people dont believe it. Our own skepticism is making this topic very easy to keep under wraps. I personally think that much of the "devine" events that happened in the Bible had an ET connection. Thats not to say there isnt a god but I do think early man thought ET were gods, angels and or devine beings. The Bible also used stories to explain events that were a lot more complex and scientific. When you have people through human history describing the same things, something is going on. I still dont understand why its so unbelievable to many. Afterall our very own existance proves the fact that intelligent beings can and do exist in the universe. Just because we don't have the technology to travel among the stars, that doesnt mean another intelligent civilization elsewhere in the universe cant. We think that we are at the height of our understanding of science, physics and technology. I'm sure people living in the 19th century thought the same thing and look how far we've come since then. People in the 19th century thought man would never go to moon let alone go into outerspace. Just like today many think we will never be capable of traveling vast distances across the universe. Based on our current understanding of science it is impossible but we are always dicovering new things. In the 19th century no one knew what an atom was and they didnt even know it existed. They had no idea that splitting an atom, something you cant even see with the naked eye, could cause such devastation. There are things today that we don't know about. We still don't even understand the concept of gravity and what really causes it.

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  • 3 weeks later...


methane based life discovered on Saturn's moon Titan?

Its always assumed that in order to have life there must be water. But what we have learned time and time again is that life can evolve in even the most harshest climates on earth. There are microgranisms and complex life in areas of the globe where we thought would impossible for life to exist. Life has a way of exsisiting in many conditions but what if other forms of life in the universe need methane to survive just as we need water? Scientists have discovered evidence in the solar system's only moon with a heavy atmosphere that there may be life. Research in science publication Icarus shows that hydrogen gas flowing down through Titan's atmosphere disappears at the surface, suggesting it could be being breathed by alien bugs. However scientists also believe there is liquid water below the surface as well so we may be on the verge of discovering life somewhere else other than earth. I think once life is dicovered somewhere else, aliens in saucer shaped craft coming to earth wont sound so rediculous.


NASA is also close to discovering life or at least ancient on Mars.


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