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proof of extraterrestrials?


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There may be evidence that the "star child" was a hybid human / extraterrestrial based on DNA analysis.

normal human skull compared with the star child skull. This could be scientific evidence of what was recorded in the holy bible about "angels" and humans mixing. Deformities and cradle boarding of this skull have been ruled out.



reconstructed skull with flesh.



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  • 2 weeks later...


CIA veteran Chase Brandon says "Roswell" did happen and that he has seen CIA documents that confirm it was an extraterrestrial crash that happened in July of 1947. What is interesting is that a few months after the crash, The U.S. government was reorganized. The Air Force was created in September of 1947 and the secretary of Defense position was added in September of 1947. Flight records show that top U.S. generals flew to Roswell during the time of the crash in July. The government's explanation today is that it was a top secret Project Mogul balloon. The story is ridiculous because mogul balloons crashed all the time and local residents just returned them back to the government. The mission was top secret,not the balloons themselves. a Mogul balloon crashing would not trigger the kind of response we have seen with the Roswell incident. Remember the government's story has changed three times after the lid was blown off. At first the government admitted they captured a flying saucer. After investigating what they found, they realized it wasn't a good idea for the public to know about it.


In addition, the General Ramey memo seen in a 1947 photo showing a staged weather balloon is absolute proof the crash was not of this world. Add to the fact that a few Generals in Roswell at the time made death bed confessions that it was a crashed alien craft.


text from the memo blown up


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  • 2 weeks later...

New evidence has come forward in the Roswell case. In 1947 an alleged extraterrestrial craft crashed near Roswell, New Mexico in early July. Witnesses said after the Army discovered the wreckage, the area was closed off to the pubic. Officers were instructed to get on their knees, shoulder to shoulder and pick up every single fragment of from the crash. It was a very widespread debris field. Recently an investigation tv crew discovered an old button from military clothes at the crash site. After the button was analyzed, it was determined it came from the 1947 era. It proves the army was there at the site but the government's story still doesn't add up. Today the government says it was a mogul balloon that crashed there. The problem is that mogul balloons from a top secret mission crashed all the time and locals just returned the balloon to the government. There was nothing top secret about the balloons themselves.


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Another UFO/Roswell whistle blower

retired USAF Colonel Dick French said he was ordered to investigate UFOs and to debunk legitimate UFO sightings. He also stated that the Roswell event in 1947 was an extraterrestrial craft that crashed in the desert.

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Supposedly this is footage from 1947 Roswell showing a dead humanoid alien on a stretcher. There is no real way to prove this one way or the over unless the military men in the film can be identified. One way of doing that is searching through photos of generals and other top military men from the time. A couple of faces can be seen. To me it looks real. It doesn't appear to be staged and it doesn't seem like the men in the film are acting. You get this general feeling of chaos. If you take the word of a number of former top military men that the crash was an extraterrestrial craft, then there is a real possibility this film is real. Add in physical evidence like the memo General Ramey was holding in his hand while being photographed with a weather balloon. today's technology allows us to make out the text in that memo which talks about a "disk" and "aviators in the disk".

The alien is visible for about a few seconds but it seems to match the description of what eyewitnesses saw. They weren't the big head grey aliens with large black slanted eyes people are use to seeing on tv. The Roswell aliens were more human looking and they were smaller according to eyewitnesses. If aliens look more like us, this raises a number of questions. We begin to question our origins which happens to be a big reason for the cover up. Discovering who they are, tells us who we are according to the military whistle blowers. You can imagine what kind of effect that would have on religion. Another theory is that they were a human species from earth's future. If mankind ever invent time travel in the future, you would then expect to see humans from the future in our time. We know that time travel, going forward, is theoretically possible according to Einstein's theory. In other words you could travel to a point in the universe and back to earth at a speed that affects gravity/time in one day. Once you get back, 10 years may have passed by on Earth. This is not science fiction.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've posted pictures of these guys before. These cave painting are over 50,000 years old and are located in Australia. The beings in the painting were known as the "Wandjina". The ancients said they came to earth from what we now know of as outer space somewhere in the Milky Way. According to their stories, they created earth and all its inhabitants during "Dreamtime". With the aid of the DREAMTIME-SNAKE, the WANDJINA descended and spent their DREAMTIME creating, teaching and being God-like to the natives. These Gods from the Milky Way were so powerful that they didn't need to speak. So they didn't bother to have mouths.

(its interesting because the beings on the cave paintings look like grey aliens. Supposedly grey aliens don't talk as well. They have a slit in the place of a mouth and communicate through telepathy. It's also interesting that the stories say the Wandjina created humans. According to a number of former military and government people, grey aliens created humans by altering the genetics of apes over a long period of time. This would explain evolution. many question why humans are the only species on earth that evolved while all the other species look virtually the same. There is one human gene that doesn't seem to have an earthly origin and it's the gene that gives man intelligence.)

It's a strange coincidence that a sea captain in 1838 discovered some of these paintings and his name was "Captain Grey"





modern day alien greys




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In the News, MUFON just release evidence of a UFO crash in 1953. In May of 1953 in Kingman, AZ witnesses said a disk crashed and there were four alien bodies that looked very similar to humans but not human. Today researchers have discovered a scar mark at the top of a mountain and a depression on the ground in the approximate area. Also discovered near the depression site were buried army relics like cans and plates from the 1953 era. Radiation was also found in the ground.

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another ex air force official confirms the 1947 Roswell Crash was the crash of an extraterrestrial craft


Hear is what he had to say:

"If they accepted the fact that there are creatures coming to Earth from other universes or from wherever, it basically would destroy religions, and the fact that our military's helpless against them would destroy the reputation of the military," French said. "You're talking about military, national defense and religious reasons."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Odd anomalies have been spotted on the moon and ex NASA and other government officials have come forward and said there are ancient artificial structures on far side of the moon. It has been said that the evidence on the moon would prove that human history as we know it is wrong and would destroy the foundations of religion. While this might seem outright crazy to many, remember the majority of Americans believe in a God who magically created the earth in seven days, parted the red sea, spoke to Moses in the form of a burning bush and so on.

One photo in particular has been researched by astronomers for a number of years. There appears to be a glass dome above one of the craters on the moon. You can see what looks like a reflection on something round and clear. Remember glass is many times stronger on the moon than earth. Whats even more interesting is what appears to be under the "dome" itself. Green and blue areas are visible. Its almost like its a self contained ecosystem with water and vegetation under the "dome". Was somebody trying to duplicated the conditions of earth under this dome? It sounds totally crazy but how else can this image be explained? If we are to believe reputable ex NASA officials about structures on the moon, then this is believable as well. You have to question if there was/is artificial activity on the moon, who is behind it? our government? God? aliens? ancient man from some far distant past?

If humans were trying to set up a permanent colony on the moon, this is something we'd do if we had the technology.


This object on the moon a number of miles tall hasn't been explained either. There is no mountainous terrain anywhere near the object. If all this is true, finding out about all this would be a lot like Neo in the Matrix movie finding out everything about life as he knew it was a lie. Could we really handle the truth?


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UFO 'Secrets' To Be Revealed In September, Says National Atomic Testing Museum

Are we getting closer to disclosure?

"In just a few weeks, some kind of UFO-related secrets will be revealed at a Smithsonian Institution affiliated museum"


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  • 3 weeks later...

Is NASA and the U.S. Government beginning to slowly reveal UFO aviation technology to the public?

NASA scientists say "warp drive", which would allow a craft to travel faster than the speed of light and manipulate space and time itself is much more feasible than thought. Warp Drive would usher in the beginning of interstellar travel.


"NASA is not only convinced that "Star Trek" style warp drive technology is possible, they're working on it and say it could be a reality in our lifetime."


In 2003 Boeing, which does work for the U.S. Government, said they were working on anti-gravity propulsion. The article goes on to say the U.S. military has been secretly flying anti-gravity propulsion craft since the 1980s. Isn't it funny how new aviation technology and research is beginning to match the description of the UFOs from the 1940s and 1950s?

CNN article talks about Boeing working on anti-gravity propulsion craft.

"If the science underpinning the program can be made into reality, it will be the biggest thing to hit the aviation industry since the Wright Brothers.

"GRASP," or Gravity Research for Advanced Space Propulsion, was only recently reported in Jane's Defence Weekly, but the U.S. military may have had the technology for years.

The National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), based in Nevada, say that mysterious U.S. military craft using this kind of technology have been skirting the skies since the 1980s."


It's interesting that its has been said the government has been flying anti-gravity craft since the 80s. A Scientist name Bob Lazar claims he worked at a secret base at Area 51 called S-4 on the 1980s. S-4 was built just for back engineering and building anti-gravity craft according to Bob Lazar. This mean workers on the main base at Area 51 wouldn't even know about it. Lazar claimed he helped back engineer extraterrestrial craft and that he was briefed on the extraterrestrials. He said he read briefing documents which said extraterrestrials have been here for thousands of years and that they altered human genetics 61 times (which would explain human evolution) have you ever wondered why humans are the only species on earth that has evolved so dramatically in a short period of time? All other mammals on earth today look virtually the same including apes. Its also interesting that there is one human gene that doesn't appear to be linked with any other species on earth, as if it were not from this earth. Its the gene that gives us intelligence.

The Ancient Sumerians believed that gods from the skies came to earth and created man from apes. Much of the old testament in the Holy Bible is a retelling of Sumerian text. The flood story is in both text. The only real difference between ancient Sumerian text and the Bible is that one text speaks of one God and the other multiple gods. But even in the Bible there are some clues. For instance, the book of Genesis says

"Let US create man in OUR own image".

The Sumerian text predates the Bible and you know it has been said if you want to get to the truth of something, always go to the original source.

"Bob Lazar said he read briefing documents which said extraterrestrials have been here for thousands of years."

ancient cave art



Sumerian petroglyphs


depiction of alien abduction? notice the cattle. Cattle mutilations are often associated with abductions


from a Japanese story about a metal vessel from the sky


This was found in Washington County, Virginia on an Indian habitation site


ancient cave art in utah


Sumerian carvings


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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is an episode from the show Paranormal Witness. Its about a case of a UFO sighting that involved police officers all over an entire county. Residents reported seeing an extremely bright object floating across the sky as large as a football field. One police officer followed the object and all of a sudden his car and all electronic devices in his car shut down. A light as bright as the sun shined down on him. Police and even a 911 dispatcher saw the object just shoot away instantly which defies "known" laws of physics. While the object was seen by police and residents all over the county, a nearby Air Force base said they saw nothing and denied everything. One might say this was some sort of experimental government craft because there was an Air Force base nearby. But do we really have that kind of technology? This is technology thousands of years ahead of our technology today. A craft as big as a football field silently shoots away instantly and disappears in the sky. In this case we are either dealing with an extraterrestrial craft or our government has secretly made major life altering scientific breakthroughs in physics. It's one or the other and in either case the reality is life altering.


Also The U.S. government just officially declassified "flying saucer" programs. Of course the government says ETs had nothing to do with it but I find that highly unlikely considering saucer shaped craft have been reporting flying in the skies for thousands of years. In historic text people have reported seeing "large glowing silver shields" flying around in the sky. In fact this drawing from the 19th century is from a story about a metal flying craft from the sky. Notice the shape. Why would the government even attempt to experiment with a craft of this shape if their wasn't real data backing it up? There is nothing aerodynamic about a saucer shaped craft using conventional aviation technology. Even scientists from the mid 20th century knew that.






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  • 1 month later...

UFO filmed by news team in Denver, Colorado. The object was clearly intelligently controlled and was performing maneuvers that can't be explained by known laws of physics. If this craft is an experimental government craft, our government has made major scientific breakthroughs that is being kept from the public. If its not ours, it's extraterrestrial.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ever since the "majestic 12 d o c u m e n t s" were "leaked" in 1984, researchers have been studying the information to determine if they are real. Most of the information date back to the early 1940s and talk about a group of twelve men put together by president Truman after the alleged July 1947 Roswell crash to study the UFO phenomenon. (BTW there was a major restructuring of the U.S. government immediately after July 1947. The Air Force started in September 1947 and the secretary of defense position was added around that time.) The d o c u m e n t s also make direct references to extraterrestrial beings coming to earth along with a description of them. Anyway after years of researching the majestic 12 d o c u m e n t s, a number of researchers have come to the conclusion that they are real based on some details and information about some of the people in the d o c u m e n t s that wasn't publicly known in 1984. Some Information in the d o c u m e n t s also seem to match up with actually declassified information which places certain people at certain times and locations around 1947. If the they were a hoax, that would mean someone from high positions in the "inside" had to create them.


Here is one of the d o c u m e n t s where President Franklin D Roosevelt makes  references to "non-terrestrial know how" and extraterrestrials.




allegedly written by Franklin D Roosevelt




"I agree with the OSRD proposal of the recommendation put forward by Dr. Bush and Professor Einstein that a separate program be initiated at the earliest possible time . I also agree that the application of non - terrestrial know how in atomic energy must be used in perfecting super weapons of war to affect the complete defeat of Germany and Japan . In view of the cost already incurred in the atomic bomb program , it would , at this time , be difficult to approve without further support of the Treasury department and the military . I therefore have decided to forego such a enterprise . From the point of view of the informed members of the United States , our principle object is not to engage in exploratory research of this kind but to win the war as soon as possible .

Various points have been raised about the difficulties such as endeavor would pose to the already hardened research for advanced weapons programs and support groups in our war effort and I agree that now is not the time.It is my personal judgment that , when the war is won , and peace is once restored , there will come a time when surplus funds may be available to pursue a program devoted to understanding non - terrestrial science and its technology which is still greatly undiscovered . I have had private discussion with Dr.Bush on this subject and the advice of several eminent scientist who believe the United States should take every advantage of such wonders that have come to us .I have heard the arguments of General Marshall and other members of the military that the United States must assume its destiny in this matter for the sake of Nation's security in the post - war world and I have given assurances that such will be the case .

I appreciate the effort and time spent in producing valuable insights into the proposal to find ways of advancing our technology and national progress and in coming to grips with the reality that our planet is not the only one harboring intelligent life in the universe . I also commend the committee for the organization and planning that is evident in Dr. Bush's proposal and the delicate way in which it was presented . I trust the committee will appreciate the situation on which this office must render its decision ."

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 Lieutenant Colonel Walter Haut's recorded confession of the Roswell incident has been released. Walter Haut was a colonel in Roswell, NM in 1947 and before his death he confessed that the crash was an extraterrestrial event and there were alien bodies. One thing we do know is that the government's explanation today for the crash is bogus. The Air Force claims it was a balloon from the top secret Project Mogul that crashed. However Mogul balloons crashed all the time and residents returned them to the army. Mogul did exist but there was nothing top secret about the balloons themselves, only the mission. Yet army travel records show that top colonels and generals from Washington flew to Roswell in July 1947 so whatever happened was bigger than any Mogul Balloon that crashed. People's lives were threatened by the army in 1947 and Mogul doesn't explain eyewitness accounts of bodies. Also Project Mogul was declassified in the 1970s, yet it was 20 years later when the government admitted it was a Mogul balloon. The "mogul crash" should have also appeared in the declassified docum e n ts in the early 1970s. The Mogul story doesn't add up. Whatever happened in Roswell in July of 1947, the government is still lying about it today! You have to ask yourself, what could have happened in 1947 that would cause the government to lie about it in 2012? Even if it were an experimental aircraft, it would have been declassified years ago. It was interesting that when the Army first put out a press release in 1947, they said it was a "flying saucer" then a day later the story was changed to a weather balloon. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to come up with an extravagant lie saying it was a flying saucer then a weather balloon just to cover up a Mogul balloon which fell in people's yards all the time. Making such claims would only draw attention to the Mogul project considering the saucer explanation received world-wide attention at first. It doesn't make sense to close off a ranch for an ordinary Mogul balloon, which is what the Air Force says it was. The truth is that the Army's first press release was correct, but then they found something they believed would affect national security so then the story was changed to a weather balloon.






The "Ramey Memo" in a photograph that has been in the public domain since 1947 is the only known piece of physical evidence that the crash involved a flying disc.






courtesy of David Rudlak






From a religious perspective, both the Quran and Holy Bible makes mention of extraterrestrial life (the Quran more directly) In the book of Ezekiel in the Bible, Ezekiel describes seeing a "wheel" of "glowing metal" with "creatures" in them coming from the heavens. He goes on to say that the creatures have the likeness of man and in their wheels they fly back and forth like a flash of lightening. It's the exact description of a modern day UFO and it's flight characteristics.


The Quran is more direct. The Quran not only makes direct statements about God creating extraterrestrial life, it also states he created planet similar to Earth. One verse says this:


"Allah is He Who created seven heavens, and of the earth a similar number........And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and of whatever living creatures (da'bbah) He has spread forth in both.


In the Bible and the Quran the universe/outer space is referred to as "the heavens"

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  • 2 weeks later...

extraterrestrial contact the source of ancient myths and religious text? I couldn't help but notice parallels between biblical stories, Greek and Sumerian mythology. They say myths are based on some sort of truth and one thing they all have in common is beings coming to earth from the skies creating hybrid offsprings. Even today's stories of alien abduction follows that pattern.


The ancient Sumerians believed that gods called the Anunnaki came to earth and created man by mixing their DNA with apes. The Greeks believed in a number of gods like Zeus and Poseidon who mixed with humans and created offspring called demi-gods. The Holy Bible seems to closely parallel Greek Mythology. The only difference is that the Greek gods are replaced with fallen angels in the Bible who mix with humans and create a mixed offspring called the Nephilim. What is interesting is that the biblical scripture says the Nephilim's offspring were called ANAKIm. It's interesting how the name resembles the Sumerians gods called the AnunNAKI or Ananaki. Different religions and cultures throughout time were telling the same story with slightly different variations. AnakIm also means "long-necked ones"





  The root word to Nephilim is Naphal which means to fall so the Nephilim in the Bible are "fallen ones". the Fallen Angels, a corrupt group of angels led by Lucifer/Satan are also called "the watchers" in the Bible. The characteristics of modern day "ETs" seems to be watch and don't interact. Modern day grey aliens are described as having skin that is slightly reptilian and the serpent symbolizes Satan.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The "discovery of alien life regarded as a risk factor" was discussed at the World Economics Forum in Davos. It gives us a little insight as to why NASA and the government would not only cover up microbial life but humanoid extraterrestrial life as well. NASA keeps toying with us. They make the big press conference announcements alluding to finding life on Mars and then it turns out to be nothing. 


This is the heart of the cover-up. Of course the existence of humanoid extraterrestrials would really turn religion upside down. Human history probably unfolded very differently from what we have been taught. Knowledge of our "true" origins would shatter the foundation of all major world religions:


"Over the long term, the psychological and philosophical implications of the discovery could be profound. If life forms (even fossilized life forms) are found in our solar system, for example, the origin of life is “easy” – that any place in the universe life can emerge, it will emerge. It will suggest that life is as natural and as ubiquitous a part of the universe as the stars and galaxies. The discovery of even simple life would fuel speculation about the existence of other intelligent beings and challenge many assumptions that underpin human philosophy and religion."

"Through basic education and awareness campaigns, the general public can achieve a higher science and space literacy and cognitive resilience that would prepare them and prevent undesired social consequences of such a profound discovery and paradigm shift concerning humankind’s position in the universe."




NASA refuses to admit these are trees on the polar caps (water) on Mars. While NASA says this is frost, a tree like branch structure can clearly be seen and frost doesn't leave shadows on the ground. I think finding trees on Mars is clear evidence that life across the universe is very similar.




This is also a little freaky! The "face on Mars" looks like a human face. If artificially constructed, our origins and human history as we know it would come into question. Modern day man has walked the earth for at least 200,000 years, yet we only have records that go back about 10,000 years. So there is a large blank in human history.  A bigger mystery is that it seems that most of the last 200,000 years, man's technology level remained the same and just over the past several thousands years (particularly the last one hundred years) that changed. That makes no sense. The truth is 200,000 years is a very very long time and almost all evidence of a more advanced technology level 200,000 years ago would be gone today. Throughout time there have been natural disasters that have nearly wiped out all of mankind so it would be very easy for knowledge to become lost. It's like starting all over again.


In many ways the "face" is like the sphinx near the Great Pyramids in Egypt.





 Humans have been doing the same thing on Earth. The closest city to the Great Pyramids in Egypt is named Cairo. "Cairo" translates to "city of Mars" The shafts in the Great Pyramid point directly to the constellation of Orion.




For 200,000 years man has walked the earth but there is some evidence humans were more advanced that believed. Pumapunka is one of the world's greatest mysteries. Stones weighing over 100 tons (some between 400 and 800 tons) were quarried from over 10 miles away and were some how moved near the top of a mountain. There is no known technology in all the ancient world that could have transported stones of such massive weight and size. The stones in Puma Punku are made of granite, and the only stone that is harder that than granite, is the diamond. Diamond is the only thing in nature that can cut these stones. Yet these stones were cut with laser precision and have perfectly drilled holes which is evidence of some kind of machining. But the ancients weren't suppose to have machines. And if that weren't amazing enough, all of the blocks are cut so that they interlock, and fit together like a puzzle. No one really knows how old they are because stone can't be carbon date. Any advanced tools used to cut the stone would have been gone a long time ago.


Today only a diamond tipped machine saw, drill or laser can produce these results.






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China's Chang'e 2 Moon Orbiter reveals some interesting things on the moon. Could be real or could be a hoax. Karl Wolf's testimony in the video would also confirm ancient artificial construction on the moon.





see link below


"Alien Moon Cities Exist" 


" Former National Aeronautics and Space Administration Data and Photo Control Department manager, Ken Johnston, asserts NASA knows astronauts discovered ancient alien cities and the remains of amazingly advanced machinery on the Moon. Some of the technology can manipulate gravity. He says the agency ordered a cover-up and forced him to participate in it."



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  • 1 month later...

UFO?, a U.S. back-engineered UFO or some sort of advanced highly classified large U.S. drone? The tape doesn't appear to be a hoax. In other words it doesn't look like the object was placed in the video. The camera focusing and rapid trail of the object reveals that.


This video is almost a year old but it shows what appears to be a silver saucer shaped object flying over South Korea. Its visible in the frame and than it rapidly darts away. Does the U.S. government have technology capable of making an object dart like that or could it be a UFO? UFO sightings have been highly concentrated near nuclear sites and North Korea, which has been testing nuclear weapons, is nearby. In fact many of the UFO sightings in 1947 was in New Mexico which is where our government tested nuclear weapons. If UFOs are real, its occupants seem to be monitoring our nuclear capabilities. Its interesting because during the time this video was shot, North Korea was planning missile tests. Forensic testing of the video was done and this was the conclusion:



  • This is a vehicle of significant size, larger than a commercial airliner.
  • The initial speed is well above the speed of sound though it appears much slower
  • The “break away” speed, as noted as the “blur” in the video is this aircraft reaching 16,000 mph within low atmosphere, something normally impossible because of drag in the heavy atmosphere at such low altitudes.  Commercial passenger aircraft at such altitudes are generally incapable of reaching more than 300 mph without both engine and structural failures, verified by both engineers and commercial and military pilots



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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

no I didnt Neo. thanks for the link


here are some alleged uncensored images of the far side of the moon (the side we never see from earth.) It has been reported that there are ancient artificial structures of enormous in size on the far side and that the moon was used as a base for extraterrestrials for thousands of years as they visited the human race and became the source of gods and angels. Its why we see all those cave paintings and statues that look like aliens and it explains how man was given technology to build some of the world's mysterious structures. curiously, Earth's moon is the only moon in the solar system that does not rotate on its own axis, therefore we only see one side as if it was intentional.




karl wolf story about photos he saw of the moon.


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  • 1 month later...

UFOs spotted over California, Greensboro, NC and Raleigh, NC New Years Eve and they weren't fire works. Also Chinese lanterns or balloons don't dart off at high rates of speed.

source CNN


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  • 6 months later...

Here is a very interesting documentary that premiered last week which shows evidence of ancient artificial structures on the far side of the moon. The "structures" are enormous, They are so large in scale, man could not have possibly have built them if they are real. It appears to be an ancient mining operation and researchers have suggested Helium 3 is the richest element on the moon. Helium 3 can be used as a power source and just a small amount of it can power a small country for over a year. The ancient Sumerians believed That a race of humanoid gods called the Annunaki came to earth and created man by mixing their DNA with native apes on the planet. They believed we were created as a slave race to mine for "gold". If there is indeed evidence of an ancient mining operation on the moon could there be some truth to these ancient stories? In the documentary, the second man who walked on the moon, Buzz Aldrin was interviewed and when asked about NASA images showing structures and crashed alien craft on the moon, he refused to say anything about it and would not look at images the shows producers were trying to show him. Another piece of footage in the documentary shows a planet sized craft or object at the surface of the sun and it appears to be sucking up plasma, then the object zips away. this is a must see documentary.



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