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Homeland Security Wants to Know if You're Gay


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Homeland Security Wants to Know if You're Gay

The new agreement between the Department of Homeland Security and its European counterpart allows the agencies to swap personal information about international airline passengers at the most basic level. Shared database items will include racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health information, traveling partners and sexual orientation.


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While it is strange that they go that far but it probably just allows their specialists to do their criminal profiles in that they can see all aspects of a person. But.....who cares? I have more things to worry about than whether the government knows that I'm straight or gay.

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Bah, and you're worried about this? The government had you tagged before you left the womb. They already know everything about you, just relax and Big Bro will make every thing alright.

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As DaAchiever said, they already listen to my (our) phone conversations, so what's left to fear? I have trashed the current administration so many times via telephone (not to mention a "blue" conversation or 50 with romantic interests) that if they haven't gotten me by now, I'm not going to fret.

War is Peace

Ignorance is Strength

Freedom is Slavery

George Orwell is my hero.

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I think the government just wants to know everything about people, not because of security, but simply because it loves what goes on behind closed doors. Plus as much as Republicans seem to hate gays, of course they'd want to know that information so they know who to fantasize about...

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While I can understand certain profiles being used to monitor passengers, I just cannot get past how someone being gay or straight has anything to do with them having ties to terrorists. It's the dumbest logic I can think of and it's just straight intrusion by the government into our lives.

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I took the military physical in 1982 because I considered joining the military to pay for college. I was definitely asked if I was a homosexual and/or if I had have had sex with other men. This was during the witch hunts during the Reagan/Bush years where thousands, if not tens of thousands of Gays and Lesbians were dishonorably discharged from the military simply for admitting they were Gay. This practice ended when Bill Clinton came into office who ended the witch hunts but had to compromise with Don't ask Don't tell to get it passed. The only reason that Bush Jr hasn't gone back to the witch hunts in full force is that he needs bodies to fight his wars.

I am fairly certain that if you work for anyone who does business for the Federal Govt. and you are asked to get a security clearance then these kinds of questions will be asked again.

In regards to Homeland Security collecting this kind of information on it's citizens or people legally entering this country: I find it laughable that collection of this information will do anything to improve the security of the people when this organization, Homeland Security, simply lets millions of Illegals walk across our borders every year. They refuse to do anything about this obvious security hole and instead focus on collecting information on its citizens. I am amazed that people put up with this from their government these days but I am convinced the younger generations in this country have become so brainwashed by the corporate and state controlled media they just roll over now and accept it.

Homeland Security /= Security

Homeland Security = Domestic Spying

It just goes to show that you can take a spying organization and name it something else, and people just accept it.

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Someone mentioned medical records. I'll chime in with two recent curiosities.

I went to a dermatologist recently. He asked me about my "orientation" after a discussion about my sex practices. Which was all totally irrelevant towards the treatment he was about to prescribe. When I asked him why he needed the information, he just said that it was for "statistical" purposes. I refused and was still allowed to receive my treatment.

Another was going in for blood work at a clinic so that I could receive the said-treatment, and was asked about my sexual preferences. Again, it was for "statistical" purposes.

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Someone mentioned medical records. I'll chime in with two recent curiosities.

I went to a dermatologist recently. He asked me about my "orientation" after a discussion about my sex practices. Which was all totally irrelevant towards the treatment he was about to prescribe. When I asked him why he needed the information, he just said that it was for "statistical" purposes. I refused and was still allowed to receive my treatment.

Another was going in for blood work at a clinic so that I could receive the said-treatment, and was asked about my sexual preferences. Again, it was for "statistical" purposes.

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Yes. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration bans Gay men from donating blood. Anyone that has had sex with a man since 1977 fits this definition. The FDA just upheld the decision to keep the ban even though most of the rest of the world advocates of a lift of the ban.

(edited this post once I found out who was really behind the ban)

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When I started with the DoD and went to orientation, they said they used to ask sexual orientation because the military believed gays had a higher risk of being blackmailed. By the time I started working there, in 1989, they'd stopped asking because they had found gays stood no greater risks of blackmail than straights.

So I guess sometime between 1982 and 1989 they stopped, but I got the feeling that it was pretty darn close to 89 that the change was made.

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I certainly don't remember Reagan calling for internment camps, but I do remember a few doctor's that did. it wasn't even seriously considered. This was before they figured out how it was spread and were afraid it was airborn, a period of time that didn't last very long.

I vaguely remember seeing something on one of those news shows, 20/20 maybe, that Cuba quarantined AIDs patients. It was a long time ago, and my memory is kind of sketchy. Do they still do that?

I still am at a loss as to why Homeland Security would track that info. Why would the government care?

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