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Adelicia Design Tour Photos, Feb 2008


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Apologies if it's wrong to start a new topic, since there already are some threads on the Adelicia, but I didn't know if folks would drill down into them. This way, it's easier to see that there are pix available.

Here's a small collection of photos from the Design Tour that was held the weekend of Feb 15-17, 2008. The tour consisted of units that had been done by local decorators (some were already sold/occupied), and there were some open houses of empty units that were taking advantage of the foot traffic.


Some background on the Adelica is here and some background on the designers and their respective units is here in these articles in the Tennessean. The tour ran from the top down, so that's the order my pictures are in.

Still working on captions, but I thought I'd get the pictures up sooner rather than later.

For those who have been in the Mitchell Gold store in GH, you may recognize the French Bull Dogs!

Wish I had kept more synchronized notes of which unit went with which photos, and some of the details, but...

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