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Unemplyoment Rates!

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^Yeah why is that? It seems Michigan as a whole has high unemployment  :(

It's because Michigan's economy relies heavily in manufacturing jobs, and the manufacturing jobs are leaving (along with the people doing the jobs) faster than you can imagine. The state has failed to diversify its economy. They are creating some new jobs; unfortunately, all the new jobs are also manufacturing jobs. The new college graduates have a tough time finding work since our economy is based so heavily on manufacturing, specifically in the auto industry. 30,000 college graduates have left the state to work elsewhere since 2000. The people here just don't get it....

In a nutshell, that is why our economy is doing so poorly.

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^That sucks :( but i hear ya about people living the state Hawaii experienced a huge brain drain in the 1990s thousands and thousands left to seek greener pastures cause the economy was so bad and not diversified enough then there was another blow to the state and honolulu after 9/11 & SARS as you can see on the employment graph theres a huge dip :( but now everythings booming and the economy is diversifying even more to the point there are shortages in many fields and the state is left to recruit people from out of state or out of country to fill positions.

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