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Furman Presence in DT Greenville


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Furman, up until the 1958, was Greenville's college. FU stood above Greenville on its campus on the Reedy River (Where the Governors school is now) Furman played football in Sirrine Stadium until Paladin Stadium was built on the new campus in 1981. FU was key in assisting the growth and development of modern Greenville as we know it now.

I was walking downtown last week and had an idea. I believe FU could have a place downtown where people visiting Greenville could learn what the university was about, and Greenville could show off its national award-winning Liberal Arts university to visitors.

Just an idea... Suggestions??

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Furman does have a place setup in the West End, but I'm not entirely sure what they do there. It's not an informational center, as you envision, but maybe more along the lines of a community outreach sort of thing? I'm not sure exactly. Something near that or combined with that would be nice for an informational type place.

I know I saw lots of Furman students studying downtown during their exam week. Maybe a satelite building downtown in conjunction with an informational center would assist community members, visitors and students alike. ??

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Haha! Us Purple People try and stand out among the oceans of feuding orange and garnet!


Exactly GvilleSC! This would be a satelite info center/community outreach/shop for FU. FU NEEDS something like this, and I think that the cost would be nothing to the University. This location could include info about the University itself and its EngagedLearning approach, a showcase for their athletics and events, and a small apparel store (?) for out of towners and locals alike to buy their FU Shirts, car-flags, and koozies!

Just and idea...

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If County Square is ever redeveloped, I could see putting a Furman something there, like a replica of the bell tower.

Too bad that the original campus was torn down for Bell Tower Mall, now County Square- that mall wasn't that great (anchored by Woolco and Winn-Dixie) and it lasted not even 15 years.

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You can get Furman apparel and such at the University Shoppe on Pleasantburg.

What would Furman get out of some kind of downtown presence? What would they give?

For example, Furman students contribute to the Upcountry History Museum. Bob Jones, of course, has its satellite gallery. What would be the value from a downtown presence?

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