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Prospect of a "Green Deal" akin to "The New Deal" of the 30's?


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What are the prospects of newly elected President Obama initiating something like a "Green Deal" once he takes office in January? This initiative would pour tens of billions of dollars (possible hundreds of billions) into getting America 'off the grid' and rid ourselves of depends on foreign oil. Our infrastructures are all in desperate need of repair and improvements, yet the best that has been thrown at the problems to date has been small tax rebates to individuals and families to help spur the economy.

I am of the mindset that spending the same amounts of money on public infrastructure would do a great deal more good. It would not only improve the back bone of this great nation but would employ a number of people who would otherwise be jobless.

We need something in America that the rest of the world can look up to and follow, otherwise we lose our stance. Perhaps we could be the leader of solar power or wind power...producing the needed items to offer this to the rest of the world.

Would you support something akin to a "Green Deal" and if so, what would you like to see included in it?

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I could get behind it, depending on how it was handled. For instance, I'd have no problem allocating money towards research into alternative energy to make it economically viable, but I can't get behind measeures like X% of our energy must come from Y source by Z date.

Unfortunately, most of our legislating bodies have little comprehesion of technolgy, and I suspect they'd take the second approach.

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This would be my own personal dream. Although, i am prepared for a let down, i think the timing is right. Although, i would consider our "infrastructure" to be all inclusive. Energy production and grid, transportation(mass and personal), water, fiber-optic, waste, and other utilities.

I think our water system needs a major overhaul, including reductions. All the attention is going towards energy, but we are also going down a slippery slope(bing!) when it comes to our water consumption. After all, humanity can continue without energy, but we will never survive without clean H2O.

Unfortunately, during the debates, with all of the talk about the environment, mass-transit never seemed to come up. I guess the real bullet we dodged is the rarely mentioned part of McCain's platform about unconditional dismantling of Amtrak.

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I think this "Green Deal" starts with energy. First it is time to see more wind farms go up on a larger scale because I believe they are actually pretty price competitive, and more money for solar research. Second, a large scale improvement to the grid is required to be able to "spread the energy around". Third, mast transit..mass transit.. mass transit... It is going to take a while to get off of oil and don't let these low prices right now fool you they will go back up in a hurry soon so we need more transportation options.

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Obama made a video for show at the Global Climate Summit that is being held announcing his plans to invest heavily in clean energy and combating the effects of global warming:

" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

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On this topic, Rahm Emanuel, Obama's pick for Chief of Staff had this to say:

Mr. Emanuel promised that a major economic stimulus would be "the first order of business" for Mr. Obama when he takes office Jan. 20. The focus of spending will be on infrastructure, specifically "green infrastructure," which he said would include mass transit, upgraded electricity transmission lines, "smart" electrical meters that allow consumers to save money by using electricity at off-peak hours, and universal broadband Internet access, which he said would encourage telecommuting.

This will be just the thing I have been hoping for! I'm most interested to see how the new administration will support the expansion of mass transit in cities and an overhaul to our electric grid (which will hopefully include major support for solar and wind).


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