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Major FUN with historic aerials of Charlotte


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Some of you may have already discovered this but I was just given wind of this great little website about a week ago. It is historic aerials, <-- link, and once you get use to all the options, can be a really fun way to pass...ummm, dare I say a few hours.

I found a number of things pertaining to my hobby, but there are also a number of images that all of us Charlotte history buffs would drool over. Here's an example of one that brings back a lot of memories for me:

Suttle's Swimming Pool <-- link, in 1965. Anyone remember that place?

Now, here is where things get really fun! Hover your mouse over the "compare tools" button choose the "dissolve" button. Slide the vertical line left to right and see a 40+ year transformation right before your eyes.

And to top it off, it appears the original entrance/picnic shelter for Suttle's is still intact, being used as some sort of building (not sure what it is). I'll have to go check that out!

It will be fun to see what some of you come up with here. Also, the aerials can be purchased for $20 each without the watermark.

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I just wanted to say thanks for posting this. I have Google Earth on my computer just for the Historical Imagery. Unfortunately, it only goes back to about 1993. While it's fun to see the change in the area over the past 15-20 years, having the ability to go back 50 years is amazing. I'm enjoying using the road overlays to follow the paths of roads like Harris Boulevard before they were built. And using the 1960 imagery is fascinating around the Lake Norman area. There is no lake.

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I just wanted to say thanks for posting this. I have Google Earth on my computer just for the Historical Imagery. Unfortunately, it only goes back to about 1993. While it's fun to see the change in the area over the past 15-20 years, having the ability to go back 50 years is amazing. I'm enjoying using the road overlays to follow the paths of roads like Harris Boulevard before they were built. And using the 1960 imagery is fascinating around the Lake Norman area. There is no lake.

Yes! Now I can see where Beatties Ford Rd went, instead of seeing it disappear into the lake.

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I just wanted to say thanks for posting this. I have Google Earth on my computer just for the Historical Imagery. Unfortunately, it only goes back to about 1993. While it's fun to see the change in the area over the past 15-20 years, having the ability to go back 50 years is amazing. I'm enjoying using the road overlays to follow the paths of roads like Harris Boulevard before they were built. And using the 1960 imagery is fascinating around the Lake Norman area. There is no lake.

I'm glad you found this as interesting as I did.

Anybody remember the old Soap Box Derby track on Tyvola when it dead-ended at Farmbrook?

Here it is:

For more fun, slide the red arrow on the Dissolve tool (click on the Compare Tools button) and see the Marion Diehl Center appear over the track.

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